Man disparages Pride flag, then kills shopkeeper in California to – 519 points –
Man disparages Pride flag, then kills shopkeeper in California

A US shop owner was shot dead after a dispute over a Pride flag displayed outside her business, police say.


Fucking illogical bigotry combined with irresponsible gun culture and this is what your get.

You get the actual American Dream!

Do what I want or I will shoot you. Although I may just shoot you anyway.

Conservatism is a plague of violence, oppression and death. It always has been.

History has shown that conservatism cannot be defeated by pacifism. Conservatives see pacifism as an invitation to attack. Always be prepared to respond to a conservative assault.

Teach your children why we don't do business with or keep relationships with conservatives. Together we can marginalize hate by marginalizing haters.

Yeah, we've reached that point where peaceful solutions are no longer viable, and that should terrify everyone.

You ever heard of the 10 stages of genocide?

The suspect was also killed by police shortly after...

Can't say I feel bad for him, but I'm guessing his death is cold comfort to the family & friends of the victim.

I feel bad, bastards should have gone to jail forever.

All he would have done is kept the cold civil war going. It's best he's gone.

I don't like wishing death on anybody but in this case it's just a fact, not a wish

A suspect - who fled the scene on foot - was killed by police when found nearby, allegedly still armed.

Police did their job.

It's literally not their job, but this time I don't care. Something something broken clock something.

If you shoot every single suspect you encounter, it’s only a matter of time until you shoot someone who deserves it.

The crime was heinous, but the police are supposed to apprehend the suspect. With qualified immunity and unchecked police violence it's getting a bit Judge Dredd in some places.

Hopefully there is some evidence the armed person who was killed was infact the person who committed this crime.

Thank you for being the solitary voice of reason in this thread. I cannot believe all the people saying “good they got him!” without a second thought about how summary gun justice by the fucking cops is not something we want.

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The Trump supporter responsible was also killed. Great!

Why is that great?

That's two lives lost. That's horrible. And for what? Some stupid ideology? What a waste.

Unfortunately the options aren't 2 or zero, they are 2 or 1.

If the killer lived they would have used their trial and incarceration as a platform to spew further hate.

I assume since that won't be happening now, that's what op is celebrating

All very true but should we really celebrate death by cop without a trial? I’m as disgusted as anyone by this crime but I also really fucking hate and distrust cops. Did they for sure get the right guy?

Well, of course he didn’t mean it’s great that the lady got shot. Folks in this thread seem to like the instant karma aspect of him getting gunned down by the cops. I can understand the visceral appeal of that - I mean fuck that guy - but my head knows that death by cop, on the scene of the crime, is not the justice system we want.

It’s about time conservatives are designated as a terrorist organization. What is holding this up?

The conservatives in office. Why would you designate your own as terrorists when you can designate non-conservative protesters as terrorists instead?

I had a sign in my yard that said "protect trans kids"

After 4 months of it being in my yard, someone stole it and dumped trash in my yard.

I wanna get a new sign, but I'm afraid I'll get worse treatment than before.

Put a bigger one out there. And install a security camera.

If you get video of someone doing it, the police won't want to look at it though. Video of someone doing stuff might be used in civil court if you know who it is and you sue. Mostly you'll just get to watch someone vandalize your property and get angrier.

I do need to get cameras for multiple reasons. I can't get a bigger sign, unfortunately. The organization only has them in one size. I am going to get a bunch and just have a stockpile to replace them immediately.

Install cameras, buy a drone, and the next time you catch one defacing your yard, follow them home with the drone. Now that you have their address, you can go in when they're sleeping and shit in their shoes.

everyday I thank my parents for not living in America

And every day they say "Bappity, You're welcome, but please stop calling and texting us so often. We're busy. A weekly or even monthly thanks would be plenty."

but Manos, we've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty!

We are under attack by a global RW fascist insurgency.

We are. But it's bigger than that even. It has to be.

...something honestly evil and heartless. Organized crime?

All of the above. They need each other to survive.

Oh, so the kill-billy was also killed? I love a happy ending!

Needs to be charged not only hate crime but as terrorism.

Let's not deflate scale of terrorism with such a stretch

From the Oxford Dictionary:

the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

This was terrorism, by definition. Unfortunately being LGBTQ in today’s world has been politicized. It was in the past, but it’s true today, too.

Do you think that crazy bastard was pursuing political aims?
Looked more like spontaneous action.

I'm gay, but I don't see rationale of conflating a hate crime with act of terrorism.

So bigots are killing peo0le now? Let your freak flags fly folks.

Freak flags?

freak flag (plural freak flags) (idiomatic) Unconventional or unrestrained behavior; extreme, nonconformist views; the side of one's personality which harbors a tendency toward such behavior or such views.

Are pride flags freak flags to you? I don't see what's so unconventional about being LGBTQ+ in this day and age.

Say you didn't understand the common definition without needing to say it.

No, you're implying pride flags are freak flags. Read the context of the conversation and read the room. That's the implication you're making.

The term freak flag came from the 1960s. If you had long hair, you were considered a hippie. The hair was called your freak flag. It wasn't a real flag to begin with. This was immortalized by the late great David Crosby in his song "I Almost Cut My Hair". It isn't my fault you don't understand the nuances of the English language and would rather read in intentions that are not there.

It's not my fault you don't empathize with other people and don't know how to read a room.

When you're trying to convince someone of something, you have to work around their perceptions, not the truth. So don't get angry when people see you use a term like freak flags that sounds sus as hell, knowing most of us weren't even born in the 1960s, and think you're trying to imply a negative. That term in no way sounds any good in 2023, and all that matters is how it sounds.

When you're trying to convince someone of something, you have to work around their perceptions, not the truth.

"Truth doesn't matter, only my perception!"

Say you're American and politically active without using those words.

Whiny cunt. "I don't understand this term so it must be offensive." Read a book for Christ's sake.

You really don't know anything about me and you spread your assumptions to justify anything you come up with.

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, yet I must try to observe their suspicions based on their lack of knowledge, right? You don't like the sounds in your head while reading what I write? I encourage you not to read it.

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