New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn

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New Covid wave has begun and we should wear masks again, warn scientists

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I never stopped. Fuck's sake, people. Covid never went away.

It's just that people don't consider it that bad to get it and are under the impression that masks don't do anything. Of course with a sentiment like that people moved on, in a way and stopped masking or caring.

As an avid mask wearer I'm here to say that the critics are right, masks don't do anything. They don't make it harder to breathe, think, feel, or exist out in public...oh and they don't do anything to your lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, or brain...unlike COVID...that shit can fuck you up.

We're used to viruses that have narrow cell types they can infect. Rhinoviruses can infect mucus membranes in the head and maybe throat. Influenza can infect the same plus lung tissue.

These coronaviruses can infect so many cell types. Because it's spread via the air, it almost always infects mucus membranes of the head first, then moves to lungs (or maybe it infects lungs first in some people). So we think of it as a respiratory virus at first.

Now we know it can infect tissues of the gut, fat, T cells, and the testes. There was a wave of orchitis/epididymitis that was discovered to be coronavirus caused. I'm not sure if it's considered COVID, I think COVID is the respiratory disease caused by coronavirus, but not sure about other diseases. Similar to how the varicella virus causes two diseases: chicken pox and shingles.

I've worn one since Covid when in public and my life isn't impacted negatively in any way whatsoever.

Do you think the severity of infection is important? Meaning, if previous variants were wiped out and the only variants still spreading were less severe than a common cold, would you keep wearing masks?

What's the point of this hypothetical? It's both not remotely close to where we are currently and has redefined the consequences to absurdity.

"Would you still wear a mask if the consequence of infection was a single light sneeze?"

"Would you wear a seat belt if the only consequence of car crashes was a small bruise?"

Yes because I don't want car crashes to spread to those are driving safely

The point of my hypothetical is that communicable diseases have a tendency to evolve to be less pathogenic over time. So it's likely that each new covid strain is less harmful than the last. I'm wondering where you draw the line?

Personally, preventing a light sneeze isn't a big enough reason to wear a mask.