Do you think millennials who grew up with the early Internet and home computers will be as bad with future technology as boomers are with current technology? to Ask – 566 points –

My wife and I started talking about this after she had to help an old lady at the DMV figure out how to use her iPhone to scan a QR code. We're in our early 40s.


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It's because everything is now UI driven and done for them. They didn't have to debug or solve computer issues. It's a sad state of affairs that the better technology gets the less the population understands it. I'd say, with respect to this post, millennials may be the only generation that can truly problem solve tech, both past and future.

It's not necessarily a bad thing

Not sure why this got downvoted. Things "just working" have a lot of upsides too: saving time, better accessibility, etc.

No one is saying things should not just work. The problem is they still break sometimes and people have no idea what to do because it's rarer now. Also when you get into the business world, you need to use an actual computer to do work. A tablet is not going to cut it. Tablets are mostly for consuming/using, not creating. It's a lot easier if you know how to use a computer to do that (Windows, Mac, whatever but you need to understand that basics).

It really depends on the kind of work you do. My mindset is, if you're interested in it, invest time in learning about it. If not, then not. We don't have to go all "kids these days..." or look down on people who aren't as interested in techology as we are.

I don't really. I was just explaining the reasoning there. It is still important to know how to use a computer. That said, I've worked in IT and many people of all ages are pretty terrible with tech anyway lol.