Is America Really That Bad? to No Stupid – 312 points –

Been seeing a lot about how the government passes shitty laws, lot of mass shootings and expensive asf health care. I come from a developing nation and we were always told how America is great and whatnot. Are all states is America bad ?


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Why are there "removed" words in your comment?

I have heard blocks curse words. My account is on and I see no removeds.

You can't be serious. I am using

Can you see the word "bitch"?

If you're saying "the B word," then no, I can't.

The server even rejected a post I attempted that addressed this:

I can't upload another photo, because Connect says that the image service is "down," but it rejects with "error: slurs"

Anyway, this is my last post here. It's been fun,

Not removed for me.

Maybe you have a potty mouth blocking Greasemonkey script or something.

Oh right, I had heard about that: there’s a filter. I’m not sure what instance it’s on and what words it filters, though.

I was using the verb version of a word for a female dog.

It's and saying bitch is not allowed. I don't need a nanny instance.

And certainly not one where you can't even have a proper discussion about dogs.