My opinion on Beehaw registration process. What do you all think? to Beehaw – 179 points –

There are different opinions on Beehaw's registration process. I kind of see how some people would find it dissuasive, specially after most of us are coming from Reddit. But I still think it's very practical, at least for the time being.

Btw, this is only my opinion as a new user, I don't know any of the admins/mods. Link to my original comment.


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Honestly, if you aren't prepared to fill out a simple text box to join the instance, I'd prefer you went somewhere else.

Right? If you can’t come up with a minimal answer to a very simple question, how could you possibly contribute positively in any way whatsoever here? And why would you even want to join this instance? This isn’t meant to be a shitposting low effort instance…

Or if you're just going to lurk... you don't need to make an account at all! As I did for the first week before deciding on whether or not to join, lmao

I actually really liked it as an exercise in reflection.

I probably wrote too much in mine, a good full paragraph for each. They really just need to create the slightest barrier to entry to make moderating 10x easier.

I've been through a bit of an emotionally exhausting week with some personal things...

I suspect some of that might have come through on my mini essay ... uh... sorry to whoever had to read it?

But hey I'm here so....

Why do you want to join Beehaw

I just want to feel something. Even the pain of a thousand Cowbee stings. Anything. Let me in. Hurt me.

They need to add a word limit though, I think I went a bit overboard lol