In His Latest Threat to Public Safety, Elon Musk Says Twitter Will Remove Option to Block Users to – 490 points –
In His Latest Threat to Public Safety, Elon Musk Says Twitter Will Remove Option to Block Users

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Back when I had a Twitter account I had blocked this motherfucker because of his narcissistic shenanigans. Needless to say, I wasn’t on Xitter even for full 24 hours after he bought it. Deleted the account along with all the tweets.

Fuck this Apartheid Xitler.

You can block him but somehow he’ll mysteriously get unblocked and start appearing in your feed again.

The only reliable method seems to be muting him.

The only reliable method is deleting your account and not give him your time.

I’ve almost entirely moved to Mastodon. I only ever check Twitter occasionally for the few accounts I still have interest in following.

Yeah, unfortunately I use Twitter for information from small businesses and to find out about gigs.

Your average small business doesn’t even know mastodon exists.

I live in a big tech city. Most small businesses don't use anything other than Google and sometimes their shit websites. Facebook is dead, Twitter is dead. I'm done with it all.

How do you delete? I was checking yesterday and only saw deactivate or some shit