Green Party candidate Cornel West owes more than half a million dollars in taxes and child support: Records to politics – 340 points –
Green Party candidate Cornel West owes more than half a million dollars in taxes and child support: Records



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I'm a green party supporter (not in the US) and couldn't agree more. I support the greens as much as I can to help spread environmental awareness, but if the election looks like it will be close, I vote for the party most likely to defeat the conservatives.

what if all the parties except greens are conservative?

They aren't. And it's disingenuous to assert otherwise.

They're neo-libs which is better because the conservatives are fascists.

But they're both evil. Just a matter of degree. Hence us voting for the lesser of the two.

Neoliberals aren't evil - we're just correct.

The type of response I would expect from the GOP tbh

That's because your life is informed more from social media than real life.

We're the normal people.

voting for evil is bad

edit: people downviting me prefer to vote for evil

It's not great but we have to be pragmatic unfortunately.

And it's pretty shitty honestly that what the neo-libs have going for them is at least we're not fascists.

Need a strong third party and ranked choice voting.

What we actually have going for us is the largest period of sustained peace and prosperity in all of human history.

Sustained peace? You're joking right?

Also, prosperity for who?

You know most life on this planet is going to have a very hard time the next ten years.

Neo-libs pretend to be the left to get the working class to forget classism. But they're at best centrists who are more concerned about keeping the 'peace' (Obama drone strikes I'm looking at you) so the corporate power brokers can continue to 'prosper'.

But, at least you're not a fascist.

Prosperity for literally everyone. Graph go up mean world more gooder.

So I just realized you replied to my comment twice.

Considering this post and your other ones it's obvious you don't have anything real to say.

Take care.

name one that isn't

Do you know the first thing about the Democratic platform? It's not perfect - and they're not perfect - but I have a trans kid, and they're the ones who want him to have rights and be treated like a human being. They're also the ones who want to raise taxes on the rich to fund social services. They're also the ones who accept the demonstrable reality of climate change. They're also the ones who resist efforts to put religion into schools and government.

Are they as left as I wish they were? Nope. But they're not conservative, either, at least not most of them.

I guarantee they will not accomplish anything: they want to hold it over you to score votes in perpetuity. they will also continue to take corporate dollars and water down legislation that does pass so it greases the palms of their donors.

Your guarantee is worthless and idiotic. The fact that they're not perfect doesn't mean they aren't 10,000% better in every way than Republicans. Enough of this bullshit "both sides" narrative. I'll stick to the side that isn't trying to take my son's rights away.

the didn't codify roe v Wade. they passed tarp and the patriot act. they fund police and prisons and war. they passed Obama are as a gift to insurance industries. they didn't jail bp executives for deepwater horizon and even paid oil companies for Correxit.

democrats are not your friend: they are the "good cop".

they passed [Obamacare] as a gift to insurance agencies

The original single-payer Obamacare failed by one vote so if there were more Democrats elected we would have single-payer health care.

Your weird fantasy doesn't align with reality and this is true at all levels

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Then you've gone too far to the left and lost perspective on the center.

there is a cure for political illiteracy

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