[Game] Darkest Dungeon 2 gets full Steam Deck support in new update

Fubarberry@sopuli.xyzmod to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 104 points –
Darkest Dungeon 2 Gets Full Steam Deck Support in New Update - Steam Deck HQ

New update adds controller support, fixes performance problems in some areas, and added some other new content. The game is now Steam Deck Verified.

Full patch notes are available here.


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Still no Linux support. Lazy fucks are just using Steam Play to get Steam Deck verified.

Good Linux ports are great, but realistically most of the Linux native games in my collection run worse than if I force the same game to run through proton.

Good native versions take more work than most devs are able/willing to give with the size of the Linux community. If devs will actually give attention to and make sure the proton versions of their games run well, that's a better outcome than the state of Linux gaming up until now.

And hopefully Linux user base will grow enough that we're worth actual maintained native ports in the future, but until that happens we don't need to be hostile towards devs for using an easier method to make sure their games are available on Linux.

Literally what are you even on about

I'll gladly take a good Proton support over a barely working native port.