How is former president of the US Donald Trump still free when a lot of the accomplices in things he has been indicted for are already in jail and or prison except him? to No Stupid – 665 points –

I am asking here because all the political subs don't allow a question, and US politics used to seemed so simple until to understand this man came along.


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When you're a billionaire, you can do whatever the hell you want in Murica.

When you're a billionaire, you can do whatever the hell you want.

Nah, it does depend a bit on the country. Didn't several russian billionaires (aka oligarchs) ... erm.... have accidents last year? So I don't think money helps you a lot in a system like that. It gets them further, no question. But ultimately it didn't matter.

The country's political system didn't kill them. A more powerful billionaire killed them.

Unless you're a Chinese billionaire and say something bad about Winnie the Pooh