incredible to Lemmy – 1809 points –

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They would probably kill you thinking you're into witchcraft or something.

Before or after you cause a pandemic with our modern germs and illness?

I think you'd be more likely to be the one infected


Because your immune system isn't used to being constantly bombarded with those pathogens.

Antibiotics are the only thing that keep most modern day people alive. That and sanitation didn't really exist back then.

IIRC you'd either already have been exposed to the more deadly diseases but have immunity because of widespread exposure, inherited immunity, and being exposed to less dangerous forms that evolved- or in many cases having likely been immunized as a child. As for bacterial infections yea- but people of that time would be at just as much risk. But, they'd be at a lot more risk of viruses from you because they wouldn't have those immunity factors.

Unlikely. It looks like this would be around the time when magi were about.

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