Only the EU can save Android in the US now to – 226 points –
Only the EU can save Android in the US now

TL;DR: Apple dominates the US smartphone market, but EU regulations may offer Android a chance for resurgence by enforcing messaging interoperability and standardizing hardware features.


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This is so funny for someone from Europe. Nobody I know cares what phone you have.

And everyone is using chat apps, mostly WhatsApp or signal, so everybody has the same great chatting experience.

It's rough in the US. Most iPhone users will insist that iMessage is better and refuse to use anything else, and then whine when an android user is in a group chat and none of the features work.

I have several group chats with both android & iPhone users. No one complains. The only place I hear about people complaining is the Internet, never anyone in the wild.

Thank you. Based EU citizens genuinely carrying the US on this issue, and we are looking forward to removable batteries.

Some modern phones still have removable batteries,, like my Motorola e5 play, its quite useful if the phone locks up bad, I can pop the battery out to restart it.

Yeah same here

UK. I'll get the odd joke from an iPhone user but we all use WhatsApp and no one really cares.

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