Google hides the install button for most Play Store results

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 115 points –

"Google is constantly optimizing and tweaking its apps through various A/B tests, and the latest one for the Play Store has us scratching our heads quite a bit. We’ve noticed that the familiar and handy install button is disappearing for some in the Play Store’s search results, which means that you actually have to tap through to the full app listing to install an app. This behavior isn’t in place for all results and apps, though, making the tweak feel arbitrary and random..."


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For about a month, my Google Hone app swapped between a new interface and the old one about once every couple days. I was never sure what I was going to get.

Of all companies out there, I'd expect Google to be able to run an a/b test right. You don't learn anything of value by constantly pulling the rug out from underneath people.

they probably are doing it 'right', at least by their own definition. a/b testing for a company like google is more about what generates the most revenue, not what pleases the product.. err, users.. most.

Even still, without a consistent experience over a reasonable amount of time, all you're really monitoring is novelty or discombobulation. You're not learning which interface generates more money.

This only makes sense if discombobulation makes the most money.

I personally dislike that the notifications icon in the Play Store app shows me ads instead of app updates.