How many hours a day do you actually work? to – 390 points –

I should actually be working 8h a day, but most of it is spend not working. If I'm honest I'm probably working more like 3h a day even though I enjoy my job.


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Ugh this thread makes me upset. I have a contract for 18 hrs per week and you bet your ass I'm really working 99% of the time that I'm clocked in. And then people ask me why I don't work more hours, but looking at these comments it seems I'm actually right on par with other people who get paid for 30-40 hours per week, when it comes to productive time spent.

Not everyone is like that tbf

Not my experience working salaried.

That’s the upside of the stable salaried job versus the potentially more lucrative contracting/consulting. I don’t get paid extra for staying late or traveling, but I also don’t get paid less if I do almost nothing on a given day. And in a laid back company, nobody notices or cares as long as it isn’t negatively affecting projects.

You have to figure out what’s the minimum amount of work you can still get away with. Then you do that amount + a little bit extra so that you don’t get fired the during the next recession.