All I wanted was a simple search.

Flying to Mildly – -27 points –

This is ridiculous. It's taken me a long time to switch to DuckDuckGo because when I get comfortable with something, it's really difficult for me to switch, but if they're going to totally change it (even if it appears to only be for certain search terms now), this is the last straw.

To make it worse, this is a re-search. The first time I searched the term, it asked me if I wanted an AI definition at the top of the page.

No, I want a fucking Wikipedia link. I realize it's on the page, but come on.

This is the same search on DuckDuckGo:


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I honestly do not see what you're upset about, both search engines look like they did well here.

I hate all the unnecessary clutter. It's needless. It wasn't that way once.

I hate all the unnecessary clutter.

FYI, I use an adblocker to strategically remove annoying elements of a page (most will have a "click to remove" feature). You can probably do the same in whatever search you use, but I find it particularly useful on sites like Amazon or news sites.

Same. That's why I run my own with Searx-NG. It sends your queries out to several (DDG, Google, Bing, and more) and aggregates the results to you. No extra crap, no bs, just what you searched for.

Thats just how it is. You hate unnecessary clutter. So use duckduckgo. And google users may not want to open wikipedia they might simply want the single sentence defenition shown.

Also there is nothing infuriating about this

LOL, please subscribe to /c/ obscure and specific pet peeves that an odd human has confused with universal annoyances @ wtf.lemmy.