‘Disturbing Surge’ in Afghan Female Suicides, Attempted Suicides

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 319 points –
Report: ‘Disturbing Surge’ in Afghan Female Suicides, Attempted Suicides

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Latest: The Taliban have decreed that any woman caught attempting suicide will be put to death.

Correct me if I'm wrong but don't some JudeoIslamic factions already punish suicide with death?

Yes. Though it's not really as hypocritical as it seems at first glance.

Assume you view suicide as being punished with eternal torment.

Someone wants to kill themselves, but, if you kill them instead it isn't a mortal sin.

From your moral framework the execution is now a mercy. They no longer suffer, in this life or the next.

Ya know, if you believe in sky daddies and whatnot.

I mean, even without the religious aspect, that might be kinda nice

"We caught you trying to kill yourself through some nasty means, here, have some state sponsored painless nitrogen to breathe"

I mean setting aside the horrible power it would give the gov, it's a really funny image of someone being talked down from suicide by jumping into getting professional suicide help so they can do it easier

I would prefer some therapy first, but I also believe in the right to self termination if that fails, so fair enough.

Suicide, really. That's the last thing you should try. You realize that suicide's a criminal offense. In less enlightened times, they'd have hung you for it.

-- Peter Cook, Bedazzled (1968)