The Spotify Car Thing cost $100, but I can't use it anymore. to Mildly – 1234 points –

EDIT: The only reason why I still had it at this point was because I could use it with other apps. However, now that my Spotify Subscription is cancelled, it doesn't work with anything. It's mildly infuriating because today, I can't still use it with other apps like I was able to yesterday.

Please don't make the same mistake I made. No one should buy this.


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what's wrong with Joe Rogan?

Alex Jones Jr. Wing nut conspiracy theorist.

It would be quicker to list what's right with him

He's the male Gwyneth Paltrow selling brain pills instead of Goop. He promotes alt-right and far-right conspiracies. He told people not to get the COVID vaccine. If he just interviewed people -- even people from all sides -- I'd be fine with it. Problem is he promotes dangerous conspiracies and usually ignores fact checking. He's using his influence and authority to do harm. And worst of all, I think he just does it for the ratings.