Chinese sextortion scammers are flooding Twitter to – 229 points –

Scammers are targeting Chinese-language users, harassing political dissidents and influential figures.


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I don't get it. Why do people even like Twitter, old or new?

Twitter used to be an absolutely great way to keep up with breaking news, because so many reporters were there. I joined twitter during the Arab Spring, because so much that was happening was being talked about on Twitter. Same with a lot of social movements - twitter was a place where you could make something local go global. If anything was happening in the world, twitter was the place to follow it.

But now? Now, it’s a desert of information. It’s depressing to watch a place that was so vibrant become the home of Musk shills and weird right wingers. I loved Twitter, before Elon took over. Now, it’s fading, and fast.

It was good place to keep up with artists and game developers. They share each other's work in a way that is great to discover more artists and games that you didn't know about.

Grumpy gamer moved to mastadon so I gave it a crack. It's great. Lots of game devs there.

Oh? Who’s on Mastodon? I could always use more people to follow!

Yep, before deleting my Twitter account after the muskrat invasion I used Twitter to keep up with the developers in my niche. As they usually have insights or I can get a sense on how the tech is going to progress by reading their updates.

I could say this about most social media. Im on facebook just as a last ditch way for friends and family to reach me, linkedin for keeping contact with workmates, never saw a usecase for twitter but I see folks ones below.

I don't think anyone liked it. More like tolerated it because of a combination of network effects and it being less shitty than Facebook.

At least, that's why I was on Twitter. People I wanted to follow were there.