The Trump Proceedings WILL Be Televised and Streamed Live on YouTube, Judge Rules in Georgia

Flying to politics – 1618 points –
The Trump Proceedings WILL Be Televised and Streamed Live on YouTube, Judge Rules in Georgia

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I don't know about that. An awful lot of conservatives are bending over backwards to explain why Trump was justified in breaking the law multiple times. They certainly do care, and some people have even died over it. Remember the guy who tried to go after the FBIfield office in Cincinnati, OH?

I've heard some arguments saying that if Trump "knew" the election was rigged, he had a moral imperative to do whatever was necessary to maintain the union. The fact that the charges exist at all is proof of conspiracy, and the trial is just a parade. While I don't agree, it's hard to get thru to people that don't agree on the same objective reality.

Turns out if you lie often enough and about something and just keep repeating it, people will start to believe it.

There's unfortunately, also some evidence to the contrary that he privately knew he lost and did all this crap anyway.

Nevermind the phone call where he asked the Georgia secretary of state to find him 11,780 votes. But, if that's not enough to convince people he's making shit up, nothing will convince them.

Unfortunately, I'm dumb at psychology, and I have no idea how you would deprogram these people.

For groups like this reprogramming usually starts with facing the wall.

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