How to replace Windows with Garuda OS to – 57 points –

Hello, I am sick and tired of Ubuntu relentlessly pushing snap. I currently am running a Windows Ubuntu Dual Boot and would like to replace the Windows partition with Garuda OS (They are on the same SSD). Eventually I want to move all my files from Ubuntu to Garuda and then delete Ubuntu.

I am not too familiar with messing around with the BIOS. I would like some advice on how exactly to safely do this without accidently bricking my system. Pointers to resources where I can learn how would also be helpful.

I am running Intel i5 with Nvidia 1070 GPU if that helps.


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How to replace Windows with Garuda OS

I use Windows for Photoshop, Topaz AI, Office, and some games. -It's not replacing Windows.

It's my machine?

They meant it as a literal replacement of the OS, as in to run everything you could on win on linix os .

In your case it is possible, due to not using said programs, just using something else, or just going without them.

Then why are we reading about it?

don't bother with this guy, they're just a troll. have a look at his profile

It's best practice to actually read the posy before commenting rather than commenting on the post title and ignoring its text.