Gay doctor flees Louisiana due to anti-LGBTQ+ laws: ‘I don’t have a choice’ to politics – 967 points –
Gay doctor flees Louisiana due to anti-LGBTQ+ laws: 'I don't have a choice'

A gay doctor who is one of Louisiana’s only specialist paediatric cardiologists has left the state after the introduction of a Don’t Say Gay copycat bill and a ban on gender-affirming care for trans youth.

Jake Kleinmahon, who was one of just three doctors specialising in heart transplants for children in Louisiana, chose to leave the state with his family, as they no longer felt safe.

Kleinmahon met and fell in love with his husband Tom in New Orleans, and the couple expected remain in Louisiana, even after retirement. However, he told CNN that the state’s anti-LGBTQ+ legislation made him and his family feel unwelcome and that he ultimately “didn’t have a choice”.


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It's quite unfortunate for those too poor to move or who otherwise have no choice.

But at this point, what kind of care are they actually going to get if they're too poor to move. They're fucked either way because God forbid we help people in need.

It is but given that I did it, and I am hardly impressive, and pretyyy much every day I see immigrant families who did a much more difficult version my sympathy levels arent very high. Except for the teens and kids. They are fucked until 18.

If you have a kid, giving up everything including their welfare and education just so you can move is kind of abusive.

If you have a kid, you should be ensuring that they live in a safe, healthy environment where they have the chance to succeed. If that means moving, move. If that means staying stay. If that means fighting the fascist scum who want everyone to suffer, fight.

Honestly, leaving a red state would arguably give them a better education. It's more likely that people would be leaving behind friends and family which, in this day with very little social nets and high prices, is incredibly difficult, not to mention the emotional toll on some people.