Georgia Attorney General Brings RICO Indictments Against 61 Activists to politics – 221 points –
Georgia Attorney General Brings RICO Indictments Against 61 Activists

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3 of them got RICO charges for passing out flyers…

And if there's evidence that they knew they were actively participating in a criminal conspiracy by doing so they deserve their probation or a few months in jail.

A criminal conspiracy to pass out flyers?

Depending on what the flyers were for and what their intent was by distributing them, it's possible, yes. Also, it would be a criminal conspiracy for which their part involved passing out flyers.

So the First Amendment doesn't count for flyers?

Inducing people to violently overthrow the government (sedition) isn't protected by the first amendment, whether it's done with a bullhorn or a flyer.

This is so simple that I can tell you're just arguing in bad faith.

three activists previously charged with felony intimidation after authorities said they distributed flyers calling a state trooper a “murderer” for his involvement in the fatal shooting of a protester.

Bro this is going to get laughed out of court lol

I'm happy to have it laughed out of court, but the charge and law they broke seem valid and worth arrest and a trial.

If you don't want the people doing the small parts of a conspiracy to face charges start working to change the law.