Google Chrome pushes ahead with targeted ads based on your browser history to – 1339 points –
Google Chrome pushes browser history-based ad targeting

Google enables advertisers a look into your browsing history...


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Someone needs to make an extension that googles random stuff all the time and floods ones history with so much background noise that the history becomes useless.

I recommend using 'Adnauseam' for Firefox.

It hides ads in addition to clicking them. This generates revenue for the site and also obscures your digital footprint.

That would be an ecological disaster (figuratively, but still), since all those requests and processor cycles have a cost

Any more than regular multiplayer games? No?

it would not replace multiplayer games. it would add to the load. strawman moot point.

What I mean is that the relative resources use is insignificant

Are you proposing to replace multiplayer games with random web requests ?

No. How hard can it be to understand it's a comparison of total load?

How hard can it be to converse nonviolently ?