Reddit / lemmy vs Old internet forums to – 85 points –

Are sites like lemmy , reddit and discord the true successors to the old internet forums of the 2000s . or were the forums superior to todays reddit , lemmy or discord


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Another difference is that on forums you tend to get to know the members if you hang around long enough. On reddit/lemmy I never got this feeling, you're just discussing with random usernames and once the discussion is over, you will probably never run into each other again.

You still get this effect if you are active on specific communities, especially smaller ones.

Can't say I ever got that from any subreddit, except in the negative way: trolls and overzealous moderators.

Definitely happened in my bump group. But it was maybe 50 active users all going through the same intense thing.

As a redditor for over 13 years, the smaller communities were one of my favorite parts of the site.

You can still get to know people on reddit. I know some by name. But only on smaller communities that still use the old style flairs, because it's easier to notice that the same type of post is generally attached to the same mini image and then the name gets noticeable.

This effect was entirely gone from medium sized communities and up.

I feel that you get to know the regular users on your instance here pretty well, having a profile picture helps.

Yea I've been seeing the same few people pop up, honestly wasn't expecting it to be as closeknit on a service like this.

I think about that a lot. On usenet, I had lots of friends. On modern forums, every conversation is sitting down with a bunch of strangers.

Maybe it's just my memory is shot because I'm old? Ha ha.

I feel like part of that might be the subtly of the avatars here vs forums where people tend to have unique large pictures and signatures