Tommy Tuberville Says US Wouldn’t Be Able to Take on China Because of ‘Wokeness’: ‘We’ve Got People Doing Poems on Aircraft Carriers’

Flying to politics – 528 points –
Tommy Tuberville Says US Wouldn’t Be Able to Take on China Because of ‘Wokeness’: ‘We’ve Got People Doing Poems on Aircraft Carriers’

What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?

— Only the monstrous anger of the guns.

Only the stuttering rifles’ rapid rattle

Can patter out their hasty orisons...

-- Wilfred Owen


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I've seen and heard nothing about Hemingway having a shadow writer? He was certainly a drunk and not entirely a good person, even for his time.

Never heard that about Hemingway, but I have heard that about Tennessee Williams. Maybe they're confusing the two?

Wait until you find out who shakespear’s shadow writer was.

It’s actually historically very common. Most of the “classics” had them.

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