Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying

GamerKick@sh.itjust.worksbanned from community to – 257 points –
Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying

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AI has gotten to the point where it probably wouldn't make these mistakes.

You've never seen ChatGPT break I assume. It can.

Never ask it for advice on anything technical. It is confidently incorrect about a LOT of things.

Never ask it for advice period. It is always confident because that's the most believable way to present information on the internet. It is usually wrong because it is not actually intelligent.

Its great with programming

It's not "great", but it's slightly helpful sometimes.

You know its weird, here people are downvoting me for agreeing its great. On another post I'm being downvoted for saying its okay. Y'all just don't know and thats okay. If you know what you need and you are just unfamiliar with a library, ChatGPT can explain it fine if your prompt is concise.

If you have no idea what you are doing and know nothing about programming, its not going to help you. I am currently using it to assist with small tasks using Excel.Interop and it basically spat out a working program for me to tweak. Don't really know what to tell you about that but I can post it to GitHub I guess.

Its fine with programming so long as you know to take it with a grain of salt and give it detailed prompts. Like for instance, if you don't specify it usually defaults to Row 1 when dealing with ranges, thats fine, because I know what row I need.

I heard somebody say that it's like a talented intern. Can produce good results, but you have to verify them yourself first before you use them.

I mean you have to verify it as much as any answer on Stack Overflow. Lets not act like dudes haven't been ripping code from there and just flying with it.

AI was at that point few months back. The quality is getting worse with each week now