The first human organ created inside an animal opens the door to manufacturing ‘spare parts’ for people to World – 485 points –
The first human organ created inside an animal opens the door to manufacturing ‘spare parts’ for people

Edit: Surprised at all the vegans in this thread. I didn't think there were so many of you. I'm glad you care so much about animal rights, that you're willing to forego eating them and using products made from them. If you're not vegan and have moral objections for this, maybe you should look at yourself first and all the animal abuse you sanction by eating animals and using animal products. Did you know dairy cows have to be pregnant to produce milk? They're artificially inseminated throughout most of their lives. I hope everyone complaining about this also complains about ice cream and cheese. Or else they would be hypocrites who just want to blame others but never look at themselves.


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Yeah, I don't really take meat-eaters seriously when they complain about animal rights abuses.

They clearly don't care, or else they wouldn't be eating meat, lol.

Counterpoint: It is possible to be a person who consumes meat while also caring that the meat they are consuming is sourced ethically (e.g. not raised in confinement, humanely slaughtered with as little pain inflicted as possible, etc.).

If you asked the average consumer if they cared whether or not the meat that they were buying is abuse-free, I'd say 99% of them would say that they do in fact care, but the meat industry does everything in it's power to obfuscate the process so they can keep up their cost-saving abusive tactics to save a few pennies.

You can have humanely sourced meat. There's a vast difference between "wow Tyson is a fucking horrible company, don't buy their chicken" and "wow this local farm/butcher really fucking did a good job".

Death is a part of life. The problem with the meat industry is overconsumptiom. Not with killing animals for meat.

Do meat animals live long? Also, how many meat animals are from "local farms"?

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