Senator Tuberville: No truce over military blockade on abortion to – 270 points –
Senator Tuberville: No truce over military blockade on abortion

Military leaders claim Tommy Tuberville's actions are a national security risk, but the senator is defiant.


You are viewing a single comment an effort to force the Biden administration's defense department to rescind a policy of leave and expense reimbursement for service members and their dependents traveling for abortions.

I can only assume this is for bases that don't have the means to just do it themselves. I was a surgical tech in the Air Force, and every hospital I was stationed at provided abortion services.

The VA does, too.

Cuz abortion services ARE FUCKING HEALTHCARE. You want to destroy a service member's mission readiness? Give them a kid they can't support.

You don't want to pay service members to travel for abortions? Fine. Fine. Equip and staff every single military base with an OBGYN clinic w/ surgical capabilities. Don't want to give them med leave to recover from an abortion? Fucking FINE. Schedule a uteroscopy and biopsy along with it so we can throw in a cancer screen, nab any polyps, ablate any endometriosis, etc; and give them extra leave for those, cuz damn was that one a bleeder! She'll need extra time to recover for sure!!

Do the same at VAs, cuz on federal facilities, state law can eat a bag of dicks.

Then declare a state of emergency in the Y'all Qaeda infested regions of the US on the basis of denied healthcare leading to the current and worsening humanitarian crisis; and in doing so, enabling the VA to provide abortion services to non-veterans under section ยง1784 of title 38, United States Code.

This dystopian GOP shit is maddening. We need to stop trying to argue with it, and start finding ways to just work around it. Fuck em.

Working around the GOP's bullshit is a short-term solution. They need to be permanently removed from power.

Then we need to do the short term solution while we work on the long term solution. I'm kind of sick of one side trying to keep it a fair fight. GOP politicians have all shown they don't care about that and will employ any means necessary to get their policies enacted while doing everything they can to disrupt the policies on the other side

I agree, shorr-term and long-term solutions are both important.

Do the same at VAs

The problem with that is that it may have been legal at the place it was done, but states would absolutely place police next door to wait for those women to come out. They already have laws that criminalize women who go out of state

How is that legal? I thought states can only enforce laws that are broken in their own jurisdiction? Interstate would make it a federal matter, no? (In regards to women going out of state)

It's almost certainly unconstitutional, but there's not specific case law so it has to be litigated to know for sure. So there needs to be people charged who have the means and willingness to go through several years of trials and appeals. And they have to maintain that motivation for a long time - some cases drag on for a decade or longer.

The point isn't to make it illegal forever, it's to scare people and organizations without the resources to engage in a legal fight to stop supporting interstate care for the next three or five or ten years.