In Germany, dozens of people are in 'preventive detention' because they might otherwise engage in climate protests to – 822 points –

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This is generalising a bit much done you think? This is like saying all US states are the same, but more outrageous as they're completely separate countries with different cultures, languages, and governments

well, you have a history of authoritarianism and warrantless detention in many, many European countries, the US is all entirely subject to the US constitution which explicitly forbids warrantless searches, detention absent due process and things like that. It has a few blind spots, and the rules are broken, but generally can be corrected and the culprits prosecuted. Detention in Germany for example without a jury trial and evidence of illegal activity is perfectly legal, as it is in the UK and almost every other European country so long as it protects the general welfare or some other such broad meaningless condition.

US does shit like this all the time. Guantanamo bay ring a bell? There are still people there who haven't been convicted of a crime.

That doesn't count, those were brown people!

constitution which explicitly forbids warrantless searches

Bullshit. I have been arrested for a warrantless search.

It has a few blind spots, and the rules are broken, but generally can be corrected and the culprits prosecuted.

Absolute dog shit take. Sounds like the law has been favouring you. Most aren't so lucky.