Female surgeons sexually assaulted while operating

Jordan117@lemmy.world to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 175 points –
Female surgeons sexually assaulted while operating - BBC News

(Reposting because I fat-fingered the delete key, there's no confirmation, and you can't un-delete... >_<)


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How can this not be the biggest crock of shit? It's absolutely unbelievable. The study, of course, is not linked, but it does mention that it's anonymous and self-selected. There's absolutely no evidence that any of these conclusions are even remotely grounded in reality.

"The report, which is being published in the British Journal of Surgery, is the first attempt to get a sense of the scale.

Registered surgeons - men and women - were invited to take part completely anonymously and 1,434 responded. Half were women:

63% of women had been the target of sexual harassment from colleagues
30% of women had been sexually assaulted by a colleague
11% of women reported forced physical contact related to career opportunities
At least 11 incidents of rape were reported
90% of women, and 81% of men, had witnessed some form of sexual misconduct

While the report shows men are also subject to some of this behaviour (24% had been sexually harassed), it concludes men and women surgeons are "living different realities".

"Our findings are likely to shake the confidence of the public in the surgical profession," said Dr Christopher Begeny, from the University of Exeter.

35,000 cases of sexual misconduct in NHS in five years
Workplace sexual-harassment clampdown for doctors

Meanwhile a second report - called Breaking the Silence: Addressing Sexual Misconduct in Healthcare - is making recommendations for what needs to change. "

These women have valid fears of risking their careers by speaking up, but go off I guess

Never side with the victims, huh?

Edit: for people reading this, just look at the profile of this "person" and move on, don't waste your time.

What victims? There are no victims. They're lying. Women aren't getting diddled in operating rooms during an operation in front of everyone else there. The claim is absurd and outlandish.

You're just proving what I said.

Also, if you think that sexual assault doesn't happen when there are witnesses, you're either delusional or living in an alternate universe.

I'm sure it happens, in some times, and in some places. I just don't buy the notions that:

  1. It ever happens in an OR, and;
  2. It happens a lot, and;
  3. It happens during an operation.

Well try to talk to a few women and you'll see that sexual assault is extremely common and that assaulters don't give a shit about the place, time and situation.

And surgeons are not really known for their superior morality either.

Why don't you go ask them? Anonymity works both ways because it also means there's very little gain for so many to lie. Do you go door to door to verify elections too?

I don't think they wouldn't lie if they weren't anonymous. Liars will put their names on their lies, and these people are kooky feminist ideologues. They'll literally say anything. There's no limit to how unplausible their claims can be, while they look you in the eyes with a straight face and expect you to believe it. They are mental.

Lol I hope you find comfort under your bridge tonight and find a better hobby tomorrow. Take a rest, troll

Bold of you to claim every female surgeon is a liar

I did no such thing. Bold of you to assume every female surgeon has been sexually assaulted in an OR during an operation.