Probably a stupid question, but will we ever have something like a microwave to make things cold? Is there a reason this can't exist? to – 486 points –

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Maybe we could start manufacturing mini black holes to build the dark bulbs!

Nope that's unfortunately not how black holes work. It would essentially look the same as having the bulb painted black.

Practically speaking I think having a mini black hole in your home would look like being rapidly crushed to death.

I bet if you had a black hole with a wall on one side and a light on the other, it'd cast a really trippy shadow.

Sadly, a mini black hole would suck up everything around it. Much like a tiny Katamari Damacy, it would quite quickly consume everyone and everything around it. Of course after not too long it would become a regular sized black hole.

Some mini black holes do not grow into black holes. They collapse. The issue is that they aren't stable for any decent length of time. Fractions of a nanosecond.

A capitalist haven, think of how many black holes one could sell!