2 librarians were fired after the board mistook an autism symbol for a Pride display. They’re suing.

ZeroCool@feddit.ch to politics @lemmy.world – 982 points –
2 librarians were fired after the board mistook an autism symbol for a Pride display. They’re suing.

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IANAL but, if it’s a publicly owned and operated library, and someone acting on behalf of the government fired these people for some sort of protected speech (which isn’t always just talking/writing) then I’m pretty sure that’s a 1a violation.

Though I could use some clarity on any distinction between a persons own speech, and speech that could be seen as that of the library.

Only kind of related, but I just learned from another Lemmy thread that while public nudity is illegal in major cities in Oregon, if you are riding a bicycle while nude, it is considered "speech protected under the first amendment" because it can reasonably be assumed you are protesting against cars.


IIRC there was also some feminist protest where the ladies went protesting topless onto the street. It was also deemed "protected speech" because of the protest.