Microsoft Publishes Garbled AI Article Calling Tragically Deceased NBA Player "Useless" to – 461 points –
Microsoft Publishes Garbled AI Article Calling Tragically Deceased NBA Player "Useless"

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No, it's not the 'goal'.

Somehow when it comes to AI it's humans who have the binary thinking.

It's not going to be "either/or" anytime soon.

Collaboration between humans and ML is going to be the paradigm for the foreseeable future.

The hundreds of clearly AI written help articles with bad or useless info every time I try to look something up in the last few months says otherwise....

Because the internet was so clear of junk and spam before LLMs were released?

There once was a time, long long ago, where the interwebs had good information on it. It was even easier to find then, before the googles went hard.

But really I have noticed a massive increase in AI junk writing popping up first in any thing I try to look up.

if you want to go back to the 90s or early 2000s sure. But 4 years ago the internet was full of blogspam clickbait articles and fake news. LLMs have not increased that percetptably to me, the first 10 results on google were often crap 4 years ago and theyre often crap now

Yes, some of us are old and still remember the hope and utility.

I will agree that things have been on the downslide for a while but maybe its just the way google now works or that AI articles are free but I get a ton of them for any "how to" or "walkthough" type search. At least if I look up "how to make taco sauce" the article will tell me how after the mandatory life story and other bullshit.

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