It's so dumb to ADHD – 499 points –

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It gets exhausting to hear people talk about how it's some sort of hunter gatherer super power... Bro do you know how boring sitting in nature is without a phone? You ever built a house from mud and sticks? Shit takes days of organized planning and you thinkg ADHD will help with that?

you never gone picking mushrooms? shit's great and very stimulating so long as you actually find a mushroom or two.

I would have died because of ADHD in hunter gatherer times. I would have just forgotten to bring my f-ing spear to a hunt or something. I'd have definitely never managed to survive any winter if that includes having to prepare for it.

A lot of people confuse ADHD which "I am a quirky creative person".

Do you think that hunter gatherers built a home? They slept on the ground, maybe by a fire. And have you tried walking in nature? Totally different experience than sitting in nature.

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