Footage shows Boebert and her date fiddling with each other's privates at "Beetlejuice" musical to politics – 1634 points –
Footage shows Boebert and her date fiddling with each other's privates at "Beetlejuice" musical

As more and more details are being revealed about Rep. Lauren Boebert's wild night out in Denver last weekend — having been kicked out of "Beetlejuice" the musical for vaping and just generally being a public nuisance with her male companion — a full picture is coming together of what the other theater patrons around her that night had to endure.

Newly released footage of the night in question appears to show Boebert's exposed breasts being fondled by her date for an extended period of time while she, in turn, dawdles around in his lap with her hand. As many have pointed out on social media, having seen this footage, children were seated all around the couple that night, within viewing range of what they were up to.

"Laurent Boebert was jerking her date off in public while he gropes her in a theater where children were present and yet she continues to attack LGBTQ people as 'threats to children,'" writes journalist and clinical instructor Alejandra Caraballo on X, sharing the footage of Boebert in the act.


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Is this an SNL skit?

Don't insult SNL like that. 😂🤣

Like I said a billion times here: truth is often stranger than fiction.

True that.

With that said, I'm gonna go watch some Ambiguously Gay Duo skits. At least they're cartoons and don't expose themselves around kids..

I've had to ask myself that so many times since donnie threw his hat into the ring in 2015....there was a brief period of time when Palin as a choice for VP caused me to do the same, but thankfully, she was kept out of power.

The "election" of donnie into office has freed the Republicans to be just as awful as they've always wanted to be. The mask is fully off now.

It feels like it, but surprisingly enough this is reality. They say truth is often stranger than fiction, and I think the past decade has demonstrated that to everyone.