Footage shows Boebert and her date fiddling with each other's privates at "Beetlejuice" musical to politics – 1634 points –
Footage shows Boebert and her date fiddling with each other's privates at "Beetlejuice" musical

As more and more details are being revealed about Rep. Lauren Boebert's wild night out in Denver last weekend — having been kicked out of "Beetlejuice" the musical for vaping and just generally being a public nuisance with her male companion — a full picture is coming together of what the other theater patrons around her that night had to endure.

Newly released footage of the night in question appears to show Boebert's exposed breasts being fondled by her date for an extended period of time while she, in turn, dawdles around in his lap with her hand. As many have pointed out on social media, having seen this footage, children were seated all around the couple that night, within viewing range of what they were up to.

"Laurent Boebert was jerking her date off in public while he gropes her in a theater where children were present and yet she continues to attack LGBTQ people as 'threats to children,'" writes journalist and clinical instructor Alejandra Caraballo on X, sharing the footage of Boebert in the act.


What is this country coming to when you can't even go to a production of "Beetlejuice" and jerk your date off a bit while you get your hooters groped? Everyday our traditional American values of vaping indoors and being loud and unpleasant to those around us are being stripped away by cultural Marxists and the nanny state. How are our children going to meet their future husbands as minors at bowling alleys, when said husbands can't even publicly expose their genitalia without fear of the woke mob?

America isn't even half of what it used to be anymore! It's barely even Amer! That isn't even enough to guess the full word without the i, and soon enough we'll lose the r, and then none of us will ever get our tits wrenched in public again!

This is all Consitutionally protected behavior.

The 1st Amendment riight of Freedom to Press the Button om the vape.

The 2nd amendment right to bare titties and arms.

The 4th amendment right gauranteeing freedom to sieze the cock.

And thos people that reported the vape should be arrested if they said "Fire" in a theater when mentioning the smoke.

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Read this in the TF2 soldier voice

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Can you imagine the outrage if a Democrat did something like this? It would be front page news across the country, but this kind of vile behavior in front of children is just another day in GQPLand.

Yeah, but she's a white cishet Republican gawdly woman. Know your place!

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Don't forget, people. It's always projection with conservatives. Next time you hear one scream about pedos, might as well start looking at their hard drives :)

do you guys not have an idiom for that?

in Hungarian we have (literally translated) : How one lives, thus they judge.

A classic that kind of means the same thing is "me thinks he doth protest too much" from Shakespeare to indicate someone who brings up a topic they are guilty of.

Basically the term projection serves the same duties. They accused people of the things they do. Projecting their behaviors on to others.

"Methinks the lady doth protest too much"

Context: The Queen in his play-within-a-play is going into this really overwrought excessive speech about how much she loves the husband she is about to kill.

In this usage "protest" is not about publicly opposing something like the modern usage, it's more like "profess". A good modern equivalent might be "she's laying it on a little thick".

We have (very loosely translated) 'the innkeeper trusts his patrons as much as he trusts/knows himself' in Dutch. Or semantically more accurate would be 'an untrustworthy innkeeper distrusts his patrons'.

GOP: Gaslight Obstruct Project

(Alternatively: Greedy Old Paedophiles.)

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There are a few specific Republicans I can think of where I'd love to have their computers/phones looks into...and not just to find their involvement/support of the coup for donnie.

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Yeah but I’m sexually inappropriate for existing according to her

Yeah but she's straight white and cis so it isn't icky.

/S, obviously

Yeah but that is their justification. She was having a whirlwind romance after a divorce, which is understandable. The in group can violate boundaries and so long as it’s insufficiently grievous to the level of in/out group division and context they get away with it. The out group is incomprehensible and must be thought of within their framework. Homosexuality is a sexual sin in their framework so gay love is grossly displaying unacceptable sexual behavior. Existing as a trans person is extra gay in their framework so it must be a fetish or something sexual and sinful. And with no in group protection…

Why hasn't she been arrested for public nudity, sex acts in public, and all the upgrades for committing these crimes in front of minor children?

Everyone should start calling her a groomer I think. Just like everyone should refer to Gaetz as Groomer Gaetz.

They absolutely hate it when you turn their terms around on them.

Peewee was arrested for less and he was in a fucking porno theater for fuck sakes …. Arrest this bitch.

If there's hard evidence of this then she would probably be put on the sex offender's list wouldn't she?

Well by certain new laws a child was present within a few feet. The woman behind them was pregnant. Such exposure to a child so young... so egregious.

I mean yea, why hasn't she been though? If this was an adults only show I would still think this is bad but not that serious. While children are around though that is a really bad thing to do and they should definitely face legal consequences.

If someone who wasn't a congressional representative did that they would surely go to prison right, and maybe put on that register for people who need to stay a certain distance away from schools and such?

If she was a man she’d have been arrested already and publicly shamed as a pervert. They’d also question whether any of it was consensual.

She is being shamed publicly as a pervert, that's what we're all doing right now and what these news sites are doing.

Yeah, but is she paying any cost for it?

No, which I think is more to do with having political power. Afterall there was two people that were committing this crime simultaneously so in this case it's not a good argument to say it's because she's a woman.

The person she was with started it by grabbing her tits for a while. So, probably not.

Franken was made to step down for posing to pretend to grab some boobage; Qbert has actual grope session with children present and still has her job - for now anyway.

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Unreal. Absolutely fucking unreal. And these people have the gall to call reading fully clothed at a library a sexual act, but here the fuck they jerking off on public in front of kids.

I know I'm not saying anything new or interesting, but as someone who has felt threatened by the conservative groomer language as of late, this really fucking gets to me.


This quote by Sartre applies to Republicans

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

In other words, they don't care about reason or consistency. If you point out that what they said is contradictory they don't care.

You can't argue with them. You can't reason. They are consciously or otherwise operating from an emotional , literal nonsense, level of thought.

They need to be removed from power and I don't really care that much which box of liberty gets used to get the job done.

Sartre describing trolling.

On the bright side, at least now we have a single word for it.

I'm old enough to remember this sort of thing having a deleterious effect on the career of Paul Reubens.

You are leaving out the part where he was in an adult (porn) theater. A little different. Guy went from being the darling of every parent and the media to ostracized and no career for decades. It was rather unjust.

You are leaving out the part where he was in an adult (porn) theater. A little different.

Yup. His career was fucked for less than this.

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But Peewee was in a place where children are not allowed and the women were being paid to take off their clothes

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Exposing her boebs in public, giving her date a boener.

Disgusting boehavior

Disgusting puns too. Never malign human sexuality or puns like that again.

The only people who malign human sexuality are the ones who proclaim me and my partner are groomers by merely existing and then do shit like this in theaters.

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Just imagine the outrage and slandering of entire demographics that would be going on if there were a gay couple instead, or if this was something that happened at a drag show.

Just something to think about when you see your 'christian' republican relatives play this down

Or if it has been exactly the same but with a democratic politician

or if this was something that happened at a drag show.

If God had a sense of humor, this would have all happened at a Mrs. Doubtfire show instead of Beetlejuice....

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So...were there children in the audience? Sounds like she could be forced to register as a sex offender under some American laws.

There were, but for your idea to happen, the GOP would have to have feel shame and/or have honor to hold her accountable. And that's just not the case. If she was someone like AOC, or hell, any other DEM member, they would have already been forced to resign. But this is BoBo, classless, white trash, a upstanding symbol of everything Trumpers stand for.

forced to register as a sex offender under some American laws.

the GOP would have to have feel shame and/or have honor to hold her accountable.

…Has the state of New Rome/South Ontario deteriorated to such an extent that your political parties now have direct executive control or veto over the executive aspects of law enforcement?

Yeah, this happened in Denver, which is a blue city in a blue state. No reason the Dems couldn't get her if they wanted. I still expect no charges, though.

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But this is BoBo, classless, white trash, a upstanding symbol of everything Trumpers stand for.

psychiatrist from Seinfeld on phone

Oh yes Bobo, alright Bobo

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If she ever campaigns door-to-door she'll have to lead with that, heheheee

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It's a good thing she isn't gay! Otherwise fondling someone's genitals in public around kids would have been a bad thing instead of a good thing.

You don't even have to fondle if you're gay. Just being around kids is apparently bad

I think at this point we can pretty much assume that anybody who makes public speeches about sexual perversion is, themself, a pervert.

So. Uhm.

Groping and giving a handy in public seems to be illegal in Colorado. And probably sufficient to land her on the sexual offenders list.

Nothing is going to happen to her. She's a Republican.

She's an official in a place of power, so she won't be charged. And since she's a republican, her constituents and colleagues well almost certainly defend this disgusting behavior.

For someone who is worried about the sanctity of marriage when gay people wanna do it, she sure is publicly stepping out on her husband before their divorce is finalized.

She would never contradict her positions on important stuffs! /s

To hell with this lady. (I deliberately modified "fuck this lady," because I don't want her to have any opportunity to enjoy anything.) Piece of shit.

Oh my, that’s a sin!! But she’s sorry so it’s okay.

Is she divorced yet? Don't Christians frown on adultery too?

Well, they say they do, but my experience in rural towns says they believe otherwise. Hell, growing up our married pastor was banging the married organist and then they ran away together.

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Speaking as someone going through a divorce, and it may be different in Colorado, but generally speaking as long as you are legally separated, by law it's not considered adultry. And being legally separated may be as simple as one person moving out of the family home.

Christians care more about the law of God. Well, they pretend to.

In Qbert's own words:

I'm tired of this separation of church and state junk. This is not in the Constitution, it was in a stinking letter and it means nothing like what they say it does

So, she seemingly doesn't care about actual rule of law and what the State might say on matters like divorce. Of course she said this while in a church, and I seem to recall that women are not supposed to be doing that, according to the god of her chosen lifestyle. She is to remain silent in church.

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Lauren is a trashy piece if shit. Vaping in a thestre, letting her bf feel her huge tits in front of people and being a disgusting woman in general. Pretty insane times we’re living in these days. The republican party has very quickly turned from suited up war machine puppets to cigarette smoking, fake tits and orange makeup

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You can take a woman out of a trailer, but not a trailer out of a woman.

Or the cock out of her hand in the particular situation!

Come on, give them a break. They spent all day getting that trailer in there.

You can take the trailer out of the trash, but you can't take the trash out of the trailer.

Is this an SNL skit?

Don't insult SNL like that. 😂🤣

Like I said a billion times here: truth is often stranger than fiction.

True that.

With that said, I'm gonna go watch some Ambiguously Gay Duo skits. At least they're cartoons and don't expose themselves around kids..

I've had to ask myself that so many times since donnie threw his hat into the ring in 2015....there was a brief period of time when Palin as a choice for VP caused me to do the same, but thankfully, she was kept out of power.

The "election" of donnie into office has freed the Republicans to be just as awful as they've always wanted to be. The mask is fully off now.

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Date or client?

he was lobbying

No, they were clearly still in the theater. The lobby is where the "Do you know who I am?" and "I'm going to call the mayor!" parts happened.

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I'm just surprised that the man isn't Gaetz. They were 100% having an affair while she was still married to her pedophile husband.

Looks like exposing yourself in front of children is just Boebert's fetish. Odd choice for a GOP lackey, since they're always droning on and on about protecting children. Once again, the calls are coming from inside the house with them.

Odd choice for a GOP lackey

Hypocritical choice, but not odd for a GOP lackey in the slightest.

Why is watching Beetlejuice making these people so horny?

He's the ghost with the most baby!

I suspect there might be ghosts with more baby than Beetlejuice.

You haven't seen this production of Beetlejuice, 20% more baby.

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What even the fuck is this timeline?

The reality is whenever this stuff happened before social media it was brushed under the rug thanks to complicit media 'aw geeze, our guy got arrested beating another hooker, he still supports tax cuts for the rich, right? Print that story we made up about their guy instead...'

There are areas of the USA where what Boebert and her man are doing could land them both on the sex offenders' list for life. She has her hand on der wienerschnitzel, he has his on her boobies, in a crowded theater during a show.

I've done the same, but in the balcony at a movie theater, with no-one else within a dozen rows. Also, I was in my late teens, and not a member of Congress.

Were they trying to "groom" children in the area into the heterosexual lifestyle?

Wait you're missing something: she's a white conservative Christian. Ergo her behavior can not be immoral, QED.

Also, I assume, you weren't at the same time calling gay people scum and condemning everyone else not adhering to some religious purity bullshit sinners that will rot in hell.

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Apologies for the Facebook link, it was sent to me the other day but this guy says it in a way that I never could...

That was... fantastic. Seriously, that is some high quality vertical truck selfie rant. Although, to be fair, that genre doesn't offer much competition... Nonetheless, A+++. Three Whiskey Tangos.

Apologies for the Facebook link

Equivalent content from first four search results for "Trae Crowder Lauren Boebert":


Youtube. (Longer.)

Facebook. (Landscape.)


::: spoiler Youtube automatic transcription. Click to expand:

y'all every time I hear something else
about Lauren bobert I've become more and
more convinced that we somehow went to
high school together you know like I
know this person man I do because see
I'm of the Whiskey Tango persuasion and
as such I know another trash monster
when I see one okay I mean you know it's
not like she tries to hide it she just
got kicked out of a theater in Denver
for vaping and hollering stuff you know
my fellow trailer Americans I ask you
who Among Us right I mean we do that we
do you know get a little too excited at
a public event start cussing in front of
the eight-year-olds then acting dignant
when the bouncer shows up but what is it
illegal to have a good time now I
thought this was America right I know
I've been there myself I have now
granted I wasn't a congressperson at the
time I was 22 Hammer drunk and the
Titans were losing again but still I've
been there now but I'm just saying
bobert checks so many red ass boxes it's
insane you know like she was born in
Florida aka the Fertile Crescent of
crazy crackers right to attain mom natch
she grew up on welfare and food stamps
she dropped out High School when she
herself got knocked up now that baby's
having a baby so she's a 36 year old
mammal she married then divorced a guy
who wouldn't stop pulling his dick out
in public she's always talking [ __ ]
about having a gun in her purse and she
has an ongoing feud with the other
craziest [ __ ] in town that is some top
shelf trashery right there y'all like
you just know she claims her Grandma's
one-quarter Cherokee right you just know
it and I'm saying all that makes me wish
that I could root for this person kinda
I do you know like if she was out here
actually standing up for the little guy
taking the elites down a peg Reed and
stuff knowing facts [ __ ] like that I'd
be all for it I'm like hell yeah finally
some representation right but she's not
no bobert's dedicated her life to being
wrong out loud every time she talks it's
like the chat GPT of harmful ignorance
she outwardly hates other marginalized
groups she screws over our own people by
trying to take away the same government
benefit programs that kept her alive as
a child Lord I cannot stand a ladder
puller y'all drives me crazy around like
I'm saying I don't I don't hate Lauren
bobert because she's white trash I hate
her because she's a piece of [ __ ] right
and I know some of y'all are going to
hear that and be like well that's a
little redundant but it's not it's
really not okay some of the most genuine
kindest most empathetic people I've ever
known were trailer babies and an
affinity for Mountain Dew and the early
works of Limp Biscuit does not change
that fact okay this country would do
well to have a chamber full of them but
alas it is not to be no instead we're
stuck with boberts and bobert is just
another loudmouth vindictive [ __ ] who
somehow took all the wrong lessons away
from her life and now spends her time
spewing misplaced rage and making us all
look bad it's a damn shame
what's up YouTube back with more in just
a second but I wanted to let you know
that this righteous missive is once
again brought to you by the good Folks
at private internet access the world's
most trusted VPN provider with over 30
million downloads listen y'all nowadays
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button and just like that it's on that's
all you got to do it couldn't be simpler
so try private internet access today
what's up YouTube we're back hope you
didn't mind that ad too much this I was
thinking I was trying to think like do
we have any good you know like trailer
trash representation in Congress you
know and I couldn't I figured I might be
forgetting somebody I tried to Google it
but that's hard if you Google Congress
and trash you mostly just get a bunch of
articles about either Republicans being
called trash or Republicans being mad
that they were called trash you know or
like journalistic socioeconomic you know
studies about how it's bad to call
people trash which I firmly disagree
with look I mean as long as you're trash
you can call people track anyway made it
hard to come up with any good results
and I might be forgetting somebody but I
was thinking I don't know who we have we
need some representation in there at
first I thought it was fetterman you
know that one of the reasons I love
fetterman so much is I was like this is
one of my people right here looked it up
still think Federal is great but like
his daddy was rich he's from an affluent
suburb he went to Harvard all this stuff
it's actually kind of typical
senatorship but I but I thought about it
you know what no I don't care I'm
anointed again he's honorary trash all
right look he's earned it he's not he's
done all that Real Deal Blue Collar
working class stuff you got all them
tattoos he looks like he wrestles at the
county fair right he's always wearing a
hoodie and cargo shorts the official
attire of Burley winter time trash
everywhere all right he's one of us
we're claiming him okay that's why I
decided we're claiming John Federman
whether he likes it or not he's trash
now but in a good way the good kind you
know what I'm saying he's a trash
Champion that's what he is trash
champion John Federman put that on a
sign anyway
thank y'all for being here I appreciate
it I'm gonna put these little uh icons
up on the screen here get you uh check
out the special if you haven't or
whatever this video is it should be
funny so watch it also subscribe to the
channel it's one of the other circles
and the main circle from my perspective
it takes you to where you
can see my tour dates you can come see
me do stand-up comedy live you can also
pre-order my book around here and Over
Yonder coming very soon a funny travel
guide I wrote with Corey Forster but
mostly come see me but the main thing is
you keep watching these silly things and
I'll keep making them I love you like
chicken see you bye


Fertile crescent of crazy crackers

chatGPT of misinformed hate

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I'm still baffled that no sextape of that woman has ever leaked

Oh, I'm sure several people who fund her have copies.

I like to imagine funding in this case is just buying her pornos.

As a 35M, with a healthy sex life to my wife 40 (2-3times a month)

When does getting a dry handy in a public venue ever constitute legitimate foreplay, also the wrenching and single handing her breast like it's a stress ball? its like watching teenagers figure it out.

I would have to be full on crank 2 with my wife taunting me to even keep it up with that many people around...but, hey good for Boebert, she's definitely finding 'quality' sexual intimacy in her continuous selection of partners.

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She was blowing vape clouds right at people. Just trashy behavior.

I vape to stop myself from smoking cigarettes. Vapes can be as discreet or as visible as you want, based on how you use it, with a little bit of technique I can make sure that almost 0 visible vapor is ejected (still wouldn't do it in a theater though).

What I'm saying is, if you're putting out clouds in people's faces, it's because you're an ass and doing it on purpose.

Yeah, you can stealth vape. Just hold it in a couple seconds longer and discreetly blow it at the floor. If people were noticing her vaping in a dark theater, she was either coughing or chucking clouds.

Or vaping weed, that skunk smell can spread fast.

Oh suuuure, when Pee-Wee Herman did it, it was a misdemeanor, but I guess we have higher standards for our kid's show hosts than our members of Congress!

Except he was doing it at a porn theatre while not sitting near anyone rather than in the middle of a full regular theatre with people including children all around them.

He did nothing wrong and lost ~20 years of his career, whereas Boebert will probably GAIN from this if anything..

That explains her apology earlier. I thought maybe hell had frozen over when I read she’d apologised, but now it seems she was just trying to get ahead of this (pun not intended).

Former prostitute, Lauren Boebert? The Lauren Boebert who married the pedophile who exposed himself to a group of underage girls, one of whom was Lauren Boebert? Grandmother at 36 Lauren Boebert?

This seems on brand for her.

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Video is in the article

I uh, don’t think I want to see that thanks.

It's blurred, don't worry.

That said, I had no idea Boebert was packing such high-caliber guns this whole time. Doesn't change how I feel about her; she's still scum. But dayum.

A woman that vile doesn't deserve tits that fine. Doctor should have told her to fuck off when she ordered them.

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Waitaminute, you are telling me that Qbert, Colorado's version of Sarah Palin, is doing this?

I thought she had a husband?

Bro, that was like 2 weeks ago, let me catch you up. She became a grandma in her 30's, lost interest in her pedo husband, filed for divorce, and is now galavanting around with some rebound dude while publicly getting her Boebertjuice flowing at a Beetlejuice show. All while doing her darndest to undermine democracy and erode whatever remains of the country's integrity.


I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

What a bad day to have eyes. "Boebertjuice"??

Disgusting ! Anyone has a link to the video?

It's literally in the article (embedded as a video tweet)

This reminds me of this

Yeah a little? But this is an elected official with real power misbehaving in public as well as being hypocritical with their anti-lgbt "for the children" stance.

As far as political news goes, this is pretty mild in terms of scandal. Not sure anybody's mind is going to change about her as a result of this, but I think if it can end up in an honest attack ad then it's probably newsworthy.

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Have the cops been called?

Even if they were, she's a politician, they'd just get an autograph, take her to an alley, and 10 min later be on their way.

Beetlejuice hasn’t been this popular since 1988.

I mean, Beetlejuice 2 is coming out soon, so this might all be some brilliant viral ad performance piece.

Ugh, really? I hate the reboot/sequel cashgrabs of Sacred Eighties Shows 🥺 I'm scared to look up who will befoul the legacy of Keaton, Ryder, and Davis.

A non-USian, even I was dismayed when the results said Boebert won by 546 votes. Hopefully that's a motivator for next time.

Edit: It's Keaton, Ryder, and O'Hara. Fuckin Burton playing to my nostalgia; still feels like impending disappointment.

Give It a break all. They are just brushing up on their original job skills. I think they have a meeting with Ted Cruise next week.

I wonder how long until Marj ends up in a similar situation? She seems just as classy.

Remember how MGT was grabbing donnie's cardboad junk?

Tick tock...




... Uh, everyone, don't summon Boebert. I'm going to be listening to reggae themed political lies until I can hire an exorcist. And those weekend hour rates, yikes.

I don't want to legitimize the source (NYPost) but the latest development is that her new dude owns a cocktail bar... that has hosted drag events

Yep, right under the article (two down from the one linked) it says

Responding to all the attention she's received after video circulated of her vaping who knows what and exchanging gropes with her date at the musical — a man who's been identified as Quinn Gallagher, a Democrat and owner of a bar in Aspen that hosts semi-frequent LGBTQ+ events

I love that this is what will piss off the Magas. Not the groping or being a dingbat

Did they fiddle to fruition?

I think they fiddled to fruition, doddled to distinguishment, mingled to magnificence and rendezvoused to rendition.

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Lauren Boebert being an asshole for no reason? You don't say, she would never (mind)

Is this strictly necessary?

I'm trying not to throw up into my dinner plate.