How is Lemmy so good and you guys all so awesome? FUCK! to – 410 points –

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That is an unbelieveably black and white way to look at things, and doesn't represent the real world at all.

The right wing equivalent would be; "One side wants me to have freedom to choose for myself, while the other wants to abort me before I'm even born."

It always amazes me the extent to which people with such absurd reductionist hyperbole seem intentionally unaware of the extent to which there's an exact mirror of oversimplification on the other side.

Absolutely. And if you agree with things from both… “sides”? then you’re a filthy CENTRIST who believes the worst things from both sides and deserve the gallows.

Why can’t my queer ass think guns are awesome like c’mon

Why can’t my queer ass think guns are awesome like c’mon

This exact combination has begun to break brains over here in such a manner as to be exactly like the old r/Politics that made r/liberalgunowners so lovely.

I just want every gun ever because holy shit they’re cool

but also there’s soooooo many people who should be B& from GUN forever

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