Biden Mocks House Republicans Over Impeachment Inquiry: ‘Lots of Luck!’

Flying to politics – 626 points –
Biden Mocks House Republicans Over Impeachment Inquiry: ‘Lots of Luck!’

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Clearly Bidens son Hunter has issues and has done some clearly shady, if not outright illegal things, but this does not immediately make Biden complicit in his son's actions. Anyone who can read or has eyes will realize this all theater and will go nowhere just like the Clinton investigations.

I think the entire point is to smokescreen and deligitimize Trump's legal situation by trying to show people "look, we're doing the same thing they are doing to us!" Doesn't matter if it's completely different, or if it even goes anywhere legally. A lot of people will either not take the time to follow both cases or they'll be disenfranchised enough to tune out altogether, which is exactly what they're hoping for.

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...which managed to peel just enough voters off to make donnie's bid for office in 2016 a possibility that actually happened.

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