The Elder Scrolls VI will skip PS5 and isn’t coming until at least 2026

Bri Guy to – 118 points –
The Elder Scrolls VI will skip PS5 and isn’t coming until at least 2026

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Hehe. ES6 may become the longest/farthest postponed game since Beyond Good and Evil 2, the later now saying it will be released in 2025... maybe 😂

Baldur's Gate 3 comes to mind. It was announced in 2002 and launched in 2023. They even had to cut all the content about black hounds.

But bg3 black hounds wasn't Larian. That was Blackisle and it got canceled. It wasn't the same game or the same studio.

Star Citizen might take the cake, I say as an original Kickstarter backer of Star Citizen.

What's the current state of that? Haven't really kept up with SC news for years mow.

Most resources have been diverted to the single player campaign for a while. (Squadron 42)

They communicate what is being done for the persistent universe (Star Citizen) but it's a slower trickle of features due to the resource allocation.

Generally, they made some really great gameplay engagements over the years but features are being prioritized based on the S42 needs. They only update on S42 once a month, but the updates have been looking like they are nearing feature completion (community speculation, not announcement) just due to them moving more toward bug fix/QA type stuff in recent months.

The next big information dump is scheduled for October at the convention that's coming up.

They've given up on giving dates because the community is very unforgiving if the dates are missed. And in software, dates are almost always missed.

Especially when it's being run by a terrible project manager like Chris Roberts. Dates will be missed.

I'm surprised they're putting more effort into Squadron 42, it's the only part I was interested in. Wonder if it'll actually be released.

They have a progress tracker on the website that shows the various components that are left to be worked on and which game is for.

Always take the dates with a grain of salt because they usually only list about 1-2 quarters only. But until recently, most of the bars were in S42 rows. I'm hoping for big news around it in October.

The other big indicator for their focus on it was last year when they relocated a bunch of senior leadership in the org to the UK with the stated reasoning of focus on S42 with the trans that were already working on it.

They have decided to adjust all development focus on being able to stimulate the perfect realistic animation of a poop crowning out of an in-game dog's ass.

It's still moving towards completion. At a snail's pace but it's moving. To their defense they've done some really cool tech with the game engine and stuff but idk if that justifies the timeline imo.

My money is spent regardless though, so I'll zoom around in my leather interior ship whenever it does release.

So better than Elite: Dangerous then

Lol arguably, you can actually walk around the interior of your ship in SC. The FPS portions are pretty good. But last time I played (like two years ago) I fell through a staircase.

I should give it another go soon.

That's not a very high bar, though. ED is light-years wide and an inch deep

The previous world record holder before BG&E2 was Duke Nukem Forever which took 14 years to develop and 9 years from the initial announcement in 2001 to the release in 2010.

Half life 2 episode 3 is supposedly still in the works and supposed to have been out in 2007. You might argue it was cancelled in 2011 when they announced half-life 3 was in development. Half life 3 has yet to be officially cancelled and leaks came out a few years ago of it being an active project.