People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office to – 1473 points –
People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office

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If your job really can be done as well 100% from home (as many people insist) then you’ve got a problem - because that means it can be done as well 100% from home by some onefrom India or similar and they’ll be cheaper. Be careful what you wish for.

I’m of the view that actually this isn’t true for a lot of jobs, particular anything that involves interacting in a team, just people wish it was.

It's not the job tho, it's the competence and calibre of the individual.

I spend far too much time unpicking poor workmanship from outsourced colleagues.

You pay peanuts, you get what?

Exactly - it’s the calibre and competence - and implicit in your comment is the idea the person from India isn’t as good. This isn’t my experience- I know plenty of amazing engineers from India. And it’s not outsourcing if they’re employed by the company- it’s just the job currently done by you.

You, my friend, need to introduce me to these people.

The bright sparks don't hang around.

My experience with outsourced folks from extremely low wage countries is that the quality of the work is extremely low.

I read once that in many of those countries that many companies outsource to there's 3 tiers of tech workers, and every tech worker is trying to get to the third tier as quickly as possible: those good enough to work in tech locally, those good enough to work in tech locally for an overseas firm, and those good enough to work in tech for an overseas firm and gain a visa to get the heck out of the country.

The poor quality work from low wage outsourced labor makes it very easy to let sentiments in the same vein as racism sink in, so one always has to be careful not to let those sentiments transition into racism. But just because some anti-outsourcing sentiment comes from racism and some comes from poor quality work doesn't mean that complaints of poor quality work from outsourced workers directly comes from racism

My job can be done 100% remotely. While in office I am "remote", because team is displaced among different cities.

If an Indian can do better than me, it's fair, they can take it. I am not racist. If my company outsource my job in India to save money, I am happy I won't be working there anymore. A company that value a quick, short term saving over its employees is a bad company. They'd have anyway to re insource my position in 5 years anyway, we know how this things work

It’s not outsourcing if they’re employed by your company, just remote working - they’ll be the employee and the company can care for them as much. They’ll just be more productive because of lower cost of living where they happen to live. If your job can be done fine 100% why would they ever change it back? Remote working isn’t the same as insource/outsource

If they can do that, with better results than what I can offer, I am fine with that. Good luck to all people involved. I'll survive.

To be fair they could already do it. As said we are all "remote" among offices. They have never done it. And I am not afraid for my position.