Musk’s Tweet Criticizing Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Sparks Outrage to World – 200 points –
Musk’s Tweet Criticizing Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Sparks Outrage

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Musk said he made the decision fearing that Moscow would retaliate with nuclear weapons.

I feel like this part is even worse. His opinion sucks and is fucking stupid, but he's literally saying he's making decisions (which have an impact on thousands of lives) because of his speculation on the Russian response.

He's not a fucking general, this shit shouldn't be his decision. He is not informed or educated on these decisions and he's playing with people's literal lives. He's literally trying to play god with his space toys.

That isn't his real opinion imo.

He a straight up Russian shill traitor like every other Republican these days.

I mean, yeah, sure, but that doesn't change anything I said - even if he's using it to cater to Russia, he's still catering to Russia, playing god, pretending he's a general, and it's worse than the original quote of him criticizing the Ukrainian offensive.

You know who's not at risk of using nukes? Ukraine. Because they gave them up in return for a security guarantee from Russia.

Even your interpretation is very charitable; it's based on the assumption that he's simply incredibly naive. Maybe he is, but given his explicit endorsement of a variety of far-right positions, I'm inclined to think he's simping hard for Putin, either because he sees something material to gain by doing so, or because, like Trump, he has a huge crush on anyone with so much direct power over others and will bend over backwards for win their approval.