Trump Privately Frets He Could Be Headed to Prison to politics – 652 points –
Trump Privately Frets He Could Be Headed to Prison

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I'll believe it when I see it. We will never see him behind bars. Two tiered justice system.

Absolute best case is house arrest imo, and I'm sure his lawyers will make sure it includes the entirety of his resort, so basically nothing will change

I'd love to be wrong, but I don't think I will

This is my hope as well. At least he can't hold hitler style rallies if he's confined to the resort though.

There's a lot of space at that resort for guests. I'd bet he'd set up stadium seating and sell tickets to his regular "Rallies" which MAGA types would absolutely flock too like it's the new Disneyland. Gross.

The orange gusher would spew crap daily at noon, more reliably than Old Faithful. It's be quite the sight.

This just made me think of a Trump animatronic in the hall of presidents 🤣

He won't go and both sides don't want him to go. It sets a presidence that they the rich ruling class is weak to the rules.

Nah, if you think, say, AOC or Bernie Sanders wouldn't love to see the door slam behind 45, I think you're mistaken.

Not say there aren't people in power who wouldn't be ok with, I'm saying the majority don't... otherwise more ruling class would have been in jail and Epstein wouldn't have been murdered in his cell.

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