I will always be silly! I will always be goofy!

YAMAPIKARIYA@lemmyfi.com to Memes@sopuli.xyz – 802 points –

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they love to enforce their preferences onto others just because their ancestors did it first (or second if you count asia)

I'm not Italian and I'll fight anyone who tries to make spaghetti by snapping the noodles in half.

why? u arent the one eating it. i have a small pot and dont wanna wait around for the pasta to go soft so i can bend it. also dont have to twirl the fork for 10s each time

Breaking it in half is the objectively better practice. Cooks faster and more evenly, doesn't require ages to twist on a fork. Better in literally every way.

We don't enforce our ideas it's just that our old ancestors tryed everything and hardly found the best way to do it ... we are just highly suggest it 😉 btw we would love everyone else to highly suggest a working economic politic