DuckDuckGo CEO says Google kills competition through phone deals that make it hard for users to switch search engines to – 1183 points –
DuckDuckGo CEO says Google kills competition through phone deals that make it hard for users to switch search engines: ‘It’s too many steps’

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DuckDuckGo just sounds so stupid. I refuse to use it

I assume you’re not using, and have never used, Google (a silly sounding, misspelled math term that sounds like a sound a baby would make), Bing (sillier yet), Yahoo (it sounds almost as ridiculous as “Google” and their early advertising only made it worse), Yandex (what is it, a cleaning product or a search engine?), Baidu (sounds like a name from a children’s show), Seznam (sounds like a sauce), Brave (literally the same name as a children’s movie), Searx (someone tried to be cool by replacing “ch” with “x”… c’mon), or Qwant (bless you!). I’m curious, though… which search engine do you use?

Baidu means "100 times" in Chinese and originates from a classic Chinese love poem...

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It's worth the weird name if you care about maintaining privacy rights.

I personally use DuckDuckGo, but if you're just after avoiding handing your searches over to Google there are other more "palatably-named" alternatives like Startpage, OneSearch, Ecosia etc.

Oh no theyre lost the business of those distracted by tinfoil. Whatever will they do?

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