Does anybody know what happened to to – 33 points –

It was my home to my account. I didn't catch any announcement it would be going down. 2 weeks ago the website started throwing errors (50* internal server errors) and since a week it is completely unreachable. There are still DNS records resolving the domain, but the site seems completely gone.


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I have no idea. That's why i disagree with people saying you better join a small instance. Since the reddit api changes i saw like 15 instances dying. Instances like have a lot of problem but the admins have proved that they could handle them

saw like 15 instances dying

Looking at the Nodes chart on The Federation it appears we've lost almost 200 instances in the last month. It's easy to imagine a lone admin running out of time, money, or interest, or simply not wanting CSAM troll posts federated to their server.

I wonder how many of those were single user instances. I've seen a lot of people on here running their own instance just to host their own account and no communities.

Can you even run a self-instance just for an account that doesn't actually store anything from the communities? Or does Lemmy not support out of the box?

Like, if you really just want to have your own account, you don't need to duplicate all that federated content. But if there's no way to prevent it, then you're forced to use up all that storage and I can see people just opting to disconnect after a while.

Yeah but it's only content for communities you sub to. I've been running this instance since about 2 weeks after the rexodus and I'm sitting at about 14GB.

That being said I would like some additional tools to manage data retention.

Edit: 14 GB not 25.

currently sitting at ~50gb with a few users and cummunities after 2 months

Plus: Selfhosted instance is pretty hard to setup and maintain and also causes a metric shit-ton of traffic and data storage.

The single hardest part of running a self hosted instance is the initial setup. There's very little maintenance involved if you set it up right. Storage and bandwidth are going to be directly related to what you sub to. If it's all images and videos sure. I'm sitting at about 14GB storage right now and my bw is pretty modest.

I can certainly see people getting bored with it and abandoning their servers tho. But I doubt it's the upkeep.

Edit: 14 GB not 25.

I'm of two minds here. You can't get new instances if no-one joins and uses them when they pop up.

Personally, I've gone with sopuli, which is quite small, but it only takes on new users through application, and has been around for years. An instance can be small, but also have a pedigree.

Yeah I've been against promoting smaller instances from the very beginning for this very reason.

If it's small and has been established for years? Go for it. If it's small and just popped up recently? It's a pretty big risk.

I like the idea of a federated network of lots of smallish instances. You're absolutely right, though, that some flux is to be expected, and evident.

We're trying ❤️ Also we're growing our infra team as needed. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask or DM me 😎