YouTube tests blocking videos unless you disable ad blockers to – 507 points –
YouTube tests blocking videos unless you disable ad blockers

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oh look, another web service who wants to strangle its users for money and ad views :D when's a peertube instance going to get some big creators on it supported by viewers? that'll do it, i bet

Seems unlikely that a creator would jump ship from a platform that pays them to a platform that doesn’t. That being said, lots of creators also constantly complain about demonetization, so maybe they’ll start to get fed up and move to purely in-video sponsorship things. Seems most likely from a creator that’s already on a platform like nebula

Most big youtubers have in-video ads now anyways. I'm not sure what the ratio of their revenue comes from youtube ads vs in-video ads, but youtube seems pretty trigger happy about demonetizing videos. Sometimes entire channels. If someone gets the majority of their revenue from other sources than youtube ads, I could see them migrating to something like peertube.

Even with in-video ads, those must be paid based on historical (or actual?) view counts right? No matter how big you are, there's no way you're going to maintain view counts when switching away from YouTube.

You're allowed to upload the same .mp4 file to multiple websites. There's absolutely no reason why a creator that isn't getting YouTube ad money couldn't upload to YouTube and PeerTube at the same time. Presumably if they are getting YouTube monetization, they have some kind of exclusivity agreement.

you're definitely right on most points. but, to your point, if a creator was on a federated instance of peertube then they don't have to worry about the wishy-washy, everchanging rules of youtube :3

I could see someone making some fork of peertube that helps creators get paid. May not be free but could get creators willing to join

if it's not free what's the benefit of using PeerTube? You're basically describing nebula

Hopefully once the issue of the ridiculous amount of resources needed for such a service is resolved. This is why we don't have any viable youtube alternative yet, especially one that isn't a corporate pile of junk. Once you get to a certain size if you don't rake in the cash you shut down. So hopefully peer to peer saves the day.

yup, even youtube isn't profitable. Video remains one of the largest sinks of resources. A 4K movie is stored on a disc of about 66GB, so about 30GB per hour of 4k video. Even with peertube it'd take the best hobbyists to run even a modest server for a few streamers. We're talking people with PB level of storage capacities now with fiber lines to their house to truly host peertube alternatives, and if we're talking cloud we're talking thousands per month.

It's not impossible, I don't want to get people down, but that's the major hurdle

Every video maker should host his own peertube instance with only 1 user.

yeah but then we get a youtube esque site of nerds who love hoarding hard drives and setting up selfhosted services. Which is great, I did that, but the vast majority of youtubers don't have the knowledge/don't want to set that up

Which makes me wonder - was the push for 60fps across the platform a move to make competition harder?

I'm not aware of anyone that was using it as a leg up on them.

this is true. having said that - i follow a peertube-based french outfit called blast (can't speak french, just look at the pictures). if i go to a different site (, and look at a video, the streams are coming off

there's no question video is a huge resource suck, and that nobody would want to host a lot of other people's videos. i just wonder, if the model is federated indexes but owner-hosted video, i wonder if there's a use case that can work at scale.

I do like the idea of having individuals host their own channels, but the bar for entry needs to become incredibly simple. Granted kids can spin up minecraft servers now, so at least that easy for online hosting. Self hosting is a bit more arduous for sure, but if people can host their own plex servers then I'd expect most video creators to be able to run peer tube - when it gets that easy.

hopefully 💙 video codecs have gotten pretty good, and maybe they'll get even better to where, like you're saying, we don't have to shovel so many resources into hosting something like a peertube. crossing fingers 🤞

I subscribe to nebula for this reason, directly support creators and it's very reasonably priced.

never heard of nebula, thank you for bringing it up :D

Did they ever get around to implementing playlists and autoplay of some sort? I really wanted to get into that service, but the absence of those two things just killed it for me

I've found Nebula to be great for a few creators I follow, but the amount of content isn't high enough to wean me off of YouTube completely.

Peertube will unfortunately never be an answer because of the lack of way for creators to get paid for watchtime

I disagree with this, I fully believe a donation-funded content economy can work.

How is peertube in terms of hosting costs? I would assume much higher than lemmy or mastodon considering it's all video content.

hosting cost for peertube would probably be astronomical since you're likely hosting the videos yourself :/ unless there is some sort of federation that kind of works like bittorrent. that would be awesome

I'm confused about this take. YouTube clearly has hosting costs and also pays creators. That money has to come from somewhere. They offer two options, ads or subscription. You could argue that the number of ads is too many or the cost of the subscription is too high, but demanding a service be free just because it's technologically possible to block ads seems weird.

I've had good experiences with Odysee. Not as much content yet, and it's missing DIY videos, but I don't see problems yet.

Odysee lacks of moderation. It's full of conspiration bullshit, racist videos and horrible stuff.

this is very interesting, ty 💙

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