Couples, what secret language do you use to tell each other details that the company you're in doesn't understand or notice? to – 215 points –

What words, phrases or signs do you use and how do you get your partner's attention?


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That's probably a cultural thing, isn't it? In diverse areas, people don't expect to understand what they hear others say, so there's no "Speak ___; we're in ___" culture.

I'd say it's more of a context thing. If you're hanging out in a group of people chatting together and you code switch to speak to someone so nobody else can understand, that's rude. If you're just speaking to someone in another language on your own, nobody cares (except xenophobic bigots).

Oh, that makes sense. I didn't consider anyone would do that.

Definitely an American thing. Wide swaths of the country have issues with any kind of diversity.

I wouldn't even include all of America in that either. It's really just a rural America thing. Sure 99.9% of people will speak/understand English, but in my anecdotal experience, it's pretty common near big cities for people to be bilingual and grow up speaking a different language with their families.

For sure not the whole country. Don't have to go far into the suburbs to find this kind of behavior, though.