You'd Have to Be On Mushrooms to Believe Trump Is Beating Biden By 20 Points Among Young Voters to politics – 592 points –
You'd Have to Be On Mushrooms to Believe Trump Is Beating Biden By 20 Points Among Young Voters

If the polling is this wacky, why bother publishing it at all?

Over the weekend, ABC and the Washington Post published the results of a poll that made both operations look like its results were the product of a month-long exercise with a Magic 8-Ball. The way you know it was an embarrassment is the Post story about the poll began by telling us all we should probably ignore it completely.

The Post-ABC poll shows Biden trailing Trump by 10 percentage points at this early stage in the election cycle, although the sizable margin of Trump’s lead in this survey is significantly at odds with other public polls that show the general election contest a virtual dead heat. The difference between this poll and others, as well as the unusual makeup of Trump’s and Biden’s coalitions in this survey, suggest it is probably an outlier.


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This is an incredibly privileged take

The privilege are the ones using marginalized communities as human shields to defend their shitty politicians

Go ahead and vote for your third party candidate that passes all your purity tests.

President Trump is the only realistic outcome of voting 3rd party no matter what pipe dream you might want to be real. Just don't act like its not your fault when Trump is President again and you find yourself living under a dictator.

Democrats voting for weak politicians will give us Trump, at this point Biden is a spoiler candidate.

Sigh. You are a lost cause. The only bad thing is that you will spread your delusional takes and help ensure Trump gets a second chance.

The real world will condemn you and others that aid his return to power.

The DNC pushing a shitty candidate that Dems dont want will cause Biden to lose. Then they will blame everyone else for their hubris

Keep working for Trump dude, you are really helping him out bigly.

Democrats are gonna give us trump, then blame Russia or some bullshit. Clinton has already been priming the rabid dogs about Russian interference again. Thats how fascism works, they need a weak liberal party to convince the plebs they are fighting for them while they are colluding with conservatives to keep pushing right.

My brother wake up. So many lemmings live in fantasy worlds where they believe that everyone can wake up tomorrow well informed and prepared to do the right thing. That's not reality. We can talk all day about what's the best moral candidate, but it doesn't fucking matter because at the end of the day, people are going to vote between one of two names they've heard before. 99.99% of Americans will never see your reasonings and explanations for why any given person is the best candidate, it doesn't matter how perfect your arguments are or how much evidence you have to back your claims, because you aren't friends with Rupert Murdoch, Mark Thompson, Brian Roberts, or any of the other handful of guys who completely control media information in this country.