This is an apology, I hope whatever healthy thing you do brings you some joy in these dark times. to – 677 points –

Things can be tough, let people enjoy the things they enjoy. It brightens there day as long as there healthy.


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Good for you that you think that way :). Fuck that show though. I can't stand the unfunnyness and misogyny in it

Problem is the misogyny (and racism, and queerphobia, and ableism and so on) in it doesn't stop when the show ends, it makes the people watching think it's ok, or worse - funny, normalising it. Hell, even this post is defining it as "healthy", which is so fucked up, because who exactly is that content "healthy" for?

So while I'm all for letting people enjoy what they enjoy, doing so uncritically, and/or refusing to hear when people tell you that something you enjoy is harmful to others (which misogyny, racism, queerphobia, ableism, and so on normalised in the media are) is when you go from "enjoying" to "supporting" and even "actively contributing", no longer "harmlessly" enjoying something, and I will judge you for that (edit to clarify: we all consume harmful trash entertainment, it's unavoidable, it's about acknowledging that it's harmful trash and not buying in to it, rather than insisting it's "healthy" or "harmless" despite all evidence to the contrary)

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