Relay users are now paying up to 4.99$ per month to use Reddit API to – 354 points –

Basically, title, here is a link to the Reddit thread for people curious:

I'm quite surprised with the neutral to positive reactions, which also show that some people will probably never leave Reddit.


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Well, I guess once relay forces the update, I'm out again.

There's a couple subreddits with troves of info I frequent which makes it a hella pain in the ass to access on mobile.

I had auto update for relay pro disabled in anticipation of the change, but just tried to open it now, and it forces the update to continue. So I uninstalled. Crazy I've used it since the beginning when it was called Reddit News.

14 years on Reddit was long enough though. I tried to stop scrolling it for years, so I'm happy the changes were more than enough to make my quitting stick.

That was my plan but they just cut api access soon after pushing the update. Only updated cause I thought it still had a free option

I found just switching my browser to desktop mode was enough to get past the mobile blocks.