Relay users are now paying up to 4.99$ per month to use Reddit API to – 354 points –

Basically, title, here is a link to the Reddit thread for people curious:

I'm quite surprised with the neutral to positive reactions, which also show that some people will probably never leave Reddit.


It's not about the money, though. If it was, they would have just said "third-party API access now requires Reddit Gold", and a bunch of us would still have stayed there, giving them more money (and content) than they are making now.

Instead, it's about fundamentally remaking the site to actively drive conversations toward things people pay to hype, and not have those conversations spring up organically. Steering traffic is much harder to do when it can be accessed through third parties.

They don't want users creating content around what interests them. They want to charge users to interact with content that advertisers pay to host.

They don't want users creating content around what interests them. They want to charge users to interact with content that advertisers pay to host.

Digg 3.0

I was a very heavy Apollo user. I was ALREADY paying monthly for it and if Reddit would have released a reasonable API charge structure and worked with devs, I’d have been happy to pay more for it because I used it every day.

They shot themselves in the foot trying to create a walled garden, now it’s just bots complementing each other in weirdly verbose comments back and forth.

so if there was an oxygen tax, would you be happy to pay for that? i think this is the problem, the reason why those who can keep the system for the balls (Pay me ten cents for this comment).

This is an odd take.

I don’t mind paying for services that I use that give me information and fun, especially one that I used daily (I pay $10/mo for streaming services I use maybe once or twice weekly).

I DO mind when they decide to gouge and disrespect the user base. IMO, THAT’S the issue in today’s market - profits above all else, including your customers.

Services aren’t free. Servers cost money. I get it. If I am a heavy user, I don’t mind paying a reasonable price for it (that reasonable price being close to the 2-5 a month I was already giving to the developer at the time.)

Yeah, I was ready to pay 5 or 10 bucks a month, but the way they handled the situation is not acceptable. I just hope lemmy (or some other platform) gets enough of a critical mass that it becomes a viable alternative.

That, and Reddit was being used to train AI. They saw that and decided they should shut off the API unless companies paid, and the hell with all the users harmed by the change.

It's funny that you say they're driving conversations. Whenever I end up on Reddit because of a search I notice that only the top level comments and very rarely first responses to them are visible.

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I've paid for Relay Pro multiple times over the years, and was happy to do so. And if this subscription had been implemented as just a way to support Relay, I'd have subscribed in a heartbeat, because it's a fantastic app and worth every penny.

But due to all the Reddit API (and other) bullshit behind it, I just can't do it. After many, many years of happy usage, I uninstalled Relay Pro yesterday when I got the update.

As far as I'm concerned, Reddit is now only a "read-only" archive that I'll read if a search returns old information I need, and I'll read just the post/comment I need from an ad-blocking browser then move on elsewhere (ie. lemmy) when I want to participate in conversations.

I know it's highly unlikely, but if dbrady ever releases a Relay for Lemmy app, I'll pay for it.

I agree, I loved relay. Really sad to see it end this way. I hope he remakes it for lemmy.

I agree, and of course the complain is for the Reddit API, not for Relay, which is a great app, and I if they will provide a Lemmy version of Relay I may use it too. What is non-sense in the Reddit API, is that Reddit should value users comments, the platform has value because of users interactions, posts, etc. so it totally a non-sense that user, should pay to participate on Reddit. I may just understand a free donation model, or even the personalized ads based on your interests.

I've gone as far as to block Reddit on search nowadays. It may have been of help a few years ago, but even before the API stuff it was increasingly being unhelpful.

The only things I miss are the Eurovision community (which there's a Discord for anyway, and has a bot which makes things interesting) and Polandball (who apparently have an official YouTube channel now)

Same with Narwhal. They released some days ago their 2.0 App and already mentioned that in a couple of weeks the payment will start. The crazy part (besides the astronomical price) is that you pay for each API request. So every time you upvote, you make an API request and have to pay for it. YOU, the user, gonna pay for GIVING Reddit your engagement. That is crazy. Every Social Media plattform is trying too squeeze out as much engagement as possible from their userbase and now the user has to pay for it too. At this point, the best thing would be to deactive your your up/downvote buttons and comment buttons, to ease on the API requests. The the exact contrary of what the plattforms wants you for. I deleted the App after a decade of usage the same day. Reddit got everything from me. Engagement, Comments and my whole leaning on political and cultural topics based on my votes and comments to build a profile. Now they get nothing out of me. Fuck you Spez.

Multiple years of Relay Pro and last night was upted with the monthly paid option which I am strongly not into. Uninstalled as soon as it showed up and downloaded Boost for Lemmy, so far so good. Few issues here and there but nothing major

Yup same. Although I could do with the silver subscription at € 2,29 a month, I still skipped it and moved on to the one-time paid Boost for Lemmy. Feel sorry for dBrady though. He put a lot of effort into making the best Reddit app imo and now he's forced to charge his users and hand over 90% to those greedy a-holes.

Check out lemmy sync as well! Excellent app. Also don't tell anyone but if you use the "list" display mode (instead of cards as default) on the free version, it doesn't show any ads.

I use Connect, it's completely open source, no tracker no ads etc... stable and easy to use.

Holy shit the post density... you might've just made me switch from Connect

Nearly the same story here. I saw the ads in boost and decided to switch to liftoff. Maybe the paid version of boost is better. There's no way I'll pay for a monthly subscription.

I have tried a few and Connect is my favoriyso far.

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In a few years it will be 9.99$, then 19.99$, 32.99$ ect. Congratulations to those who power capitalism

As a conservative (by Danish standards, in the US I would probably be centrist and probably vote for the Democrats) I would say that capitalism doesn't work well for every case in a society. In the olden days, people would meet in the town square and use the village posters.

Those local communities has largely been replaced by the internet today, and whereas the old communities was run by itself with its people taking ownership and responsibility for it with the incentive to make the community as good as possible, today the communities are largely owned by companies with a profit drive. In these new communities the incentive for the owner (the company) is not to create the best possible community, but to extract the most money from it.

I would say that pure capitalism would be to the detriment to a society. Capitalism is more a product of liberalism (where I am not using the definition of liberalism that most Americans would, but the "correct" definition) than it is a product of conservatism.

I think there's nothing liberal about this. I can decide not to attend a community anymore but the alternatives (as here) will always be shadowed by these capitals, advertising, bot factories, which make it difficult, if not impossible, to have a valid alternative, this is monopolization, that, forced by individuals, becomes fascism.

What I am arguing is that capitalism and (classic) liberalism goes more hand in hand than capitalism and classic conservatism. Also, liberalism does not guarantee nor guarantee the lack of monopolies. Monopolies are the result of economics and the industry's fixed and variable costs.

That being said, I do agree that monopolism is generally bad for society, as it reduces economic welfare (look it up) by generally reducing consumer surplus while increasing monopolist profit by a lower amount, thus creating a dead weight gap.

As a last point, somewhat unrelated, I think that it is an insult to the victims of fascism to call anything you don't like fascism. I know you are not alone with the comparison, but I wish people would stop sorting people as either people they like or fascists. I think that people sometimes forget that the world isn't inhabited entirely by saints and fascists.

I hope you have a great Sunday evening though :)

IMHO, what most people call "conservatism" today is an amalgamation of neoliberal economics and conservative values.

In the olden days, it would have been the church and the local nobles calling the shots on the local community forum, staging a witch-hunt or a public hanging event to keep the topics within desired boundaries and squeezing money, engagement and thus community power towards certain projects and not others.

I agree with the idea of your post commenting on today's situation in capitalism, but disagree with the imo romanticised idea of how a community forum in the past would have functioned more independent and self-organising

Former Relay user here.

Willing to bet the comments in that thread are positive because survivorship bias, at least in part. Folks like me who deleted the app probably wouldn't have commented, after all. I'm also sure I wasn't the only one to see the subscription prompt come up and just delete the app.

knew it was coming and decided ahead of time that when I was forced to pay, I'd just delete the app.

Same thought process. Uninstalled as soon as the subscription showed.

I haven't brought myself to delete it yet, but I did replace it on my home screen with Connect for Lemmy

I don't keep any app that I'm not using on the phone. Uses up resources for no reason. If nothing else play store constantly updates the app with each new version. It could be updating apps that I am using instead.

I did the exact same thing, but I gotta say even in the months leading up to the subscription the quality and traffic in my subs had diminished to almost nothing, there were so many subs that were already gone or inaccessible from mobile. There was a time when I think I would've been ok with paying $2-3/month for the previous content but never in the current state.

I totally agree. I wasn't decided on quitting Reddit just because of the 3rd party apps fiasco, but the overall quality of the content took a nosedive which only further reinforced my decision to uninstall Relay once the subs finally came.

At a cost of free it was still like of worth checking out but not if I have to pay.

I vowed to be done with it when it became subscription based, and now here I am. Kind of glad actually, been looking for an excuse for years as the site became more and more stale, unoriginal, and politics began to overwhelm everything. Maybe this is just how it has to be every decade or so.

Don't kid yourself there's A LOT of Reddit here on Lemmy.

I mean, given that the user base here was mostly looking for an alternative to Reddit, that makes sense.

I think I was hoping that some of the users that gave Reddit its grimy reputation would have stayed there. But that's probably a little too pie in the sky.

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I got shouted down pretty intensely when relay announced they'd be doing this, and I mentioned it'd been a good run but I was jumping ship, especially vitriolic against the mention of lemmy lol

i'd used relay for a decade, was a bit sad

Same. Bought pro the day it released. Was a great interface but once Reddit announced they were digging out, I settled into Lemmy.

I signed up here a while ago but continued using reddit because Relay still worked. Now it's asking for money and there's no chance in hell I'll give even a cent to spez.

Yep. I kept using Reddit with relay but now I'm going to use it so much less. The official app is garbage and I will never pay a monthly subscription to use Reddit

LMFAO, paying money to be shit on, incredible.

Based on my usage I'd have to get one of the higher tier of plans. I'm not entirely against paying in theory, but when reddit actively protected subreddits that spread hate speech and misinformation? No I'm not paying.

Sync for Reddit stopped working as soon as the API changeover happened on July 1.

The developer rewrote the app for Lemmy, though, and it's pretty damn good.

I used to use rif and was bummed Lemmy didnt have the same thing. Then I found sync for Lemmy and never looked back. It is basically the same experience.

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the only annoying thing is the $18 to remove ads.. get much?

I don't know why I said Sync, I used Relay. I removed the first sentence.

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Subreddits spreading hate and misinformation? I thought they removed the_donald. Were there others they weren't getting removed? *Just remembered r/sino was pretty extreme.

It took them like 4 years and an attempt at ending US democracy for them to step in with the_Donald

Oh there's definitely more hate subs. I forget which subreddit it was but someone used the k slur for jews and a user on AgainstHateSubreddits posted about how they reported the post to the admins and one of the admins replied that there was nothing wrong with the comment.

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yep. I also came from reddit and I've been using relay since the beginning.

I have so much time for relay for reddit. it's a great application and I have plenty of time for the developer too

he's the only one who didn't abandon the ship when the spez made those idiotic changes and came up with a workaround.

But yes, it costs money.

My take is if you still like to use reddit on mobile, that's the way to go.

Having said that, there's another app called redreader which is still free and very decent, but stuck in the stone age compared to relay.

The 4.99 cost is one of the options the devs provides too. there are more.

it's either that or ads with crap functionality, especially on mobile.

I hope the developer will also develop something for lemmy at some point. he's awesome, for what I can tell.

I've used Relay for years, first tried it when it was still called Reddit News.

I'll admit that I've been browsing Reddit a bit with the official app and it's a garbage experience. Like, there's no /r/all? Wtf.

Anyway, it's just pushing me more onto Lemmy. It's slowly turning into a viable alternative as engagement grows.

Fellow reddit news user here. It's pretty sad, I wonder how many hours I've spent on that app. All things come to an end, I suppose.

I was a Relay user. Now I use Connect for Lemmy. 🤷‍♂️

Connect is the closest I've found to Relay's functionality and look

This is what made me swap over to Lemmy! I loved the relay app but after already paying for the premium version I didn't want to pay again. I know it's reddits fault, but still

I'm honestly impressed that Reddit has gone through with their decision despite the uproar. I'm surprised and disappointed they are weathering it so well though.

$5 a month to spend your time with the neck beards and power tripping mods? 🤢

At least on this side most people here aren't addicted to social media imo

It wasn't until I started having conversations on reddit in something I was an actual expert in they I realised most people on reddit have very strong opinions but not much actually knowledge on the subject.

Hopefully less bots and fluff here and more quality content. All I know is after 10+ years on reddit its the end of an era. It was slow when reddit started, and I expect things to be a bit slower here for a bit.

I've been on Reddit pretty much every day in the past five years. The one thing that I've noticed over the years is that the amount of reposts has skyrocketed over the years. I've left multiple large subs because it's the same thing across multiple subs or just general shitposting. Nostalgia, 90s, and FuckImOld all just became "Who remembers this?" with a picture of a common thing.

There were many small subs with genuinely knowledgeable people but many have shut down after the API change.

Well, I guess once relay forces the update, I'm out again.

There's a couple subreddits with troves of info I frequent which makes it a hella pain in the ass to access on mobile.

I had auto update for relay pro disabled in anticipation of the change, but just tried to open it now, and it forces the update to continue. So I uninstalled. Crazy I've used it since the beginning when it was called Reddit News.

14 years on Reddit was long enough though. I tried to stop scrolling it for years, so I'm happy the changes were more than enough to make my quitting stick.

That was my plan but they just cut api access soon after pushing the update. Only updated cause I thought it still had a free option

I found just switching my browser to desktop mode was enough to get past the mobile blocks.

I'm another user escaping from Reddit and I hope more users will come in Lemmy too. I understand that patching apps may allow to use Reddit for more, but it's just to extend life of dead man and mostly wasting time.

Yeah, I kinda knew I was using g relay on borrowed time. Will be deleting it now,, and maybe asking for my two dollars back somehow idk. I think a lot of the people that would have negative reactions already have got it out of their system and have accepted that reddit on mobile is a no go three months ago.

Why would you ask for your two bucks back? You got years of good service. Let the dev keeps his couple of bucks.

No kidding, it's not his fault reddit fucked everyone. You aren't getting the $2 back from reddit.

Because dBrady chose to remain with reddit and play their stupid game, instead of porting my favorite app to Lemmy. So fuck him.

There's plenty of other good Lemmy apps, we'll be fine.

Voyager is okay (and the only Lemmy app I like), but it's still buggy and clunky as fuck compared to Relay.

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Man, I was using a patched version of Boost for $0.00/month lol

Luckily Boost has moved over to Lemmy now, feels right at home

Yeah man! I just made the jump, so I'm still trying to find my way around. It's pretty close to a 1:1 replacement for Reddit, though.

Yeah I still have to use reddit for r/Godot until this community gets a bit bigger, but other than that I don't go to reddit much anymore.

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I hope the Red Reader is left alone..

Redreader works, but internal Reddit changes still apply; for example, you can no longer see NSFW subreddits without a verified account.

It was the one that was supposed to be remain free for accessibility purposes

Well, people pay/tip a fuckton to those streamers so i guess that everyone has their stripper of choice to throw money at.

This Relay user no longer does. Bye Relay.. bye Reddit

Narwhal just recently released Narwhal2, basically a revamped version of their app with some Apollo features. They are also going to be moving to a subscription service and will have 3 tiers based on api usage

I get something like $3 a month in Google Rewards surveys, so I guess as long as I can scroll r/all for a few minutes a day and not vote on anything, I'll keep using it at the lowest tier of a buck a month.

Reddit cucks deserve this for cucking out to paying for a trash 3rd party app

Why are you posting here about reddit, rent free

This community is for talking about reddit. Block it if you don't want to see it.

I should keep doing it because there is a community for it, impressive argument

Sorry someone pissed in your Wheaties this morning. Hope your day gets better!

wheat has gluten, eat healthier